Katoamauaaki 25 i-Kiribati ma te rabakau iaon te waaki n rikirake iroun APTC
2 Okitobwa 2024
E kukurei Aobitin Aotiteria ao te Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC) ni bukamarua aia anga beebwan 25 i-Kiribati ake a reke ngkai aia beebwan ae kinaaki n te aonnaba mai Aotiteria.
Iai 18 ataeinaine ake a karekea aia beebwan iaon te tararuai nakoia aomata ke kaara (Aging, Home and Community), ao iai ake a kareke beebwan iaon te International Skills Training (IST) and Assesor, ao ai te course are iaona riki ibukin IST.
Te tokanikai aio are ea kakina iai manga moan aia tai ni kareke beebwan te nati ni Kiribati iaan te APTC ibukin te ririki aei 2024.
E kanakoa bwanaana ni kakatekeraoi ao ni karabwarabwa ana Ai Kamitina Aotiteria nakon Kiribati ae HE Karen Bray nakoia ake e a reke te tokanikai irouia, ao ni bon nakoia naba aia utu ao raoraoia ake a teimatoa aia boboutoka nakoia.
E reita riki ana karabwarabwa nakon te Botaki ni Mwakuri ibukin te Botaki ni Kamwakuri ao Karikirakeaia te Botanaomata, ao te Botaki n Reirei, ngkai bon rabwata aikai ake a rangi ni korakora aia bekumwaaka ibulkia ataeinaine aikai. E reita naba bwanaana ni karabwa te rabwata ae te APTC ibukin aia ibuobuoki iaon waaki ni babaronga ao ai bon nakoia taan reirei ao ataei ake a kabobonga kanoan te bong aio.
E reitia riki n taekinna kakawakin te waaki n reirei ao ni kataneiai aio (Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)) ngkai boni ngaia te kawai iaon katomaan te waaki n rikirake iaon ribanaakia te roro ae tabe n rikirake iaon rabakau ni karikirake, ao ai bon karababaan riki te rabakau ibukin kakaean te mwakuri irouia te roro ae tabe n rikirake.
“Te waaki ni karikirake iaon te TVET e bon ribanaia ara taan kairiri nakon taai aika ana roko, taan rabakau ao ai bon ara taan mwakuri aika a mwaatai ao ni kona n rangi n ibuobuoki iaon karikirakean te aba ao bon te maiu inanoaa. Ti rangi ni kukurei ngkai a kona ni kaina te kurubu aio tabeman mai ibuakoia ara taan anga reirei man te MOE ake a mwakuri ngkai n kauarinan reirei n te moan kakatai.”
E taku Ten Ereata Itimaroroa, are ngaia naba temanna are e a tia n kareke beebwan iaon te Certificate III iaon karaon te oo ao kanimwan taeran auti bwa, rabakauna ake a reke irouna rinanon te kataneiai aio, ea tia n anganna te nanomwaaka ao te aki nanokokoraki iaon karaoan ana mwakuri, n buoka naba aron te rikirake I Kiribati.
E reitia n taekinna Ten Ereata, “E korakora te angi ni kan reitaanako karabaabaean au taarena ma au konabwai iaon te kateitei. E korakora naba nanou ni kan bitai nakon ae tamaroa rinanon au tai ni kataneiai. I a tia ni kaitarai kanganga ao n teimatoa n nanomwaaka ao ni kekeiaki n taurabwatai rabakau aika a boou aikai.”
“Au tokanikai n te bong aio, e uauarokoai riki nakon kakoroan nanoni miiu are buokaia au utu, au kaawa, ao ai bon te mwakuri n te kateitei iaon Kiribati.”
E anga ana katekeraoia Nei Amy Thompson, te Manatia ibukin kataneiai man te APTC ibukin Toromon ao Kiribati nakoia te nati ni Kiribati ibukin aia tokanikai ao aia kekeiakimwaaka inanon aia tai ni kataneiai.
“I rangi ni kakatonga irouia taan anga beebwan aikai ibukin nanomatoaia ao aia mwakuri korakora n uaiakina reken te tokanikai bwa ena reke aia beebwan aika a kinaaki I Aotiteria. Te tokanikai aio, eaki tii kaota te banna ibukia ma e a tei naba ibukia i-Kiribati ni kabutaa.”
“Ti tabe ni mwakuri ngkai iaon maubonian ao karikeaia taan kairiri ao taan rabakau, ake a na kona ni manga buoka aron kabutan te waaki nakon taai aika ana roko, rinanon ara waaki ni boutokai ibukin karekean te rabakau irouia, karikirakean aia taarena ao rabakauiia ao aia atatai bwa ana kona n rianako aia konabwai n aia mwakuri.”
N te tai aei ao a kaina ngkai te APTC Alumni network, are ea kainaki irouia e nakon 42,778 aomata man aban nako te Betebeke ma Timorese, mai ibuakon te ware aio ao iai 783 i-Kiribati, ake a tia n reke aia beebwan ae kinaaki I Aotiteria.

APTC Equips 25 i-Kiribati with Skills to Drive Economic Progress
2 October 2024
The Australian High Commission in Kiribati and the Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC) proudly celebrated the graduation of 25 I-Kiribati nationals who have earned Australian-standard and internationally recognised qualifications.
In this cohort, 18 young women are graduating with Certificate III in Individual Support (Aging, Home and Community), International Skills Training (IST) Trainer and Assessor, and IST Advanced Course.
This milestone marks Kiribati's first APTC graduation of the year and showcases the achievements of the 2024 semester graduates.
HE. Karen Bray, the High Commissioner to Kiribati, expressed gratitude to the graduates for their remarkable endeavours and acknowledged the unwavering support of their families, friends, and employers.
She particularly acknowledged the Ministry of Employment and Human Resources and the Ministry of Education, with whom most of the graduating cohort are linked. She also appreciated the steadfast guidance of the APTC management and staff throughout the students' educational journey.
Her Excellency further emphasised the importance of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programs in bridging the skills gap, fostering entrepreneurship, and enhancing employability among the youth.
“By investing in TVET, Kiribati invests in future leaders, innovators, and skilled professionals who will drive economic growth and social progress. We are especially proud that this cohort includes high school teachers in the Ministry of Education’s TVET in High Schools pilot.”
Mr. Ereata Itimaroroa, a graduating student with a Certificate III in Wall and Floor Tiling, said the newfound knowledge and skills would give him the confidence to work effectively in a construction environment, contributing to Kiribati’s economic growth.
“I was driven by a desire to grow and expand my skills and knowledge in construction. My passion for self-improvement was evident at every phase of my learning journey. I diligently embraced every challenge and continually pushed myself to master new skills.”
“My achievement today brings me closer to fulfilling my dream of making a meaningful contribution to my family, community, and the construction industry in Kiribati.”
Ms. Amy Thompson, APTC’s Vocational Training Manager for the Solomon Islands and Kiribati, congratulates the i-Kiribati for their exemplary achievement and dedication to their training.
“I am immensely proud of our graduates for their dedication and hard work in achieving these Australian-standard qualifications. This graduation marks a significant milestone for Kiribati's individuals and broader community.”
“We are fostering a generation of leaders and innovators who will drive economic growth and social progress by equipping our students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their respective fields.”
The graduates will now join APTC’s Alumni network, contributing to the over 42,778 Pacific Island citizens and Timorese, including 783 i-Kiribati, who have graduated with Australian qualifications.

Eutakirake te rabakau iaon te tiriai I Kiribati man ana ibuobuoki n te kataneiai Aotiteria.
8 Meei 2024
E a tia ana tiim Aotiteria ae te South Australian Country Fire Service (CFS) n roko i aon Kiribati n te 11 n Eberi n karokoa 6 Meei 2024, ibukin karaoan te kataneiai iaon te waaki n tiriai ma ana rabwata te Botaki n Bureitiman ae te Fire and Emergency Response Unit.
E a kaainaki te tiim aio irouia aman aobitia man te SA (CFS) ao ni kairaki iroun Mr Matthew Davis, n raonaki iroun Mr Philip Tapscott bwa te kauoman n tia kairiiri ao bon te tia karaoa naba te kataneiai, Mr Ricky Jarvis ao ai Mr Joshua Jeffree. N tikuia iaon Tarawa ao e reke aia tai kain te tiim aio n kaitibo ma aobitia man te Tautaeka n Kiribati n aron ana Aobiti te Beretitenti n mwangana are te National Disasters Management office, te Botaki n Bureitiman n mwangana are te Fire Emergency Response Unit, ao ai tabeua ana rabwata te Tautaeka ake ira naba buakon te kataneiai aio.
E a karaoaki te kataneiai aio inanon te maan ae teniua te wiiki, ma kanoana aika te anga reirei inanon te umwanreirei ao ai te kataneiai itinaniku. Tabeua kanoan te kataneiai aio bon reiakina aron kabonganaan te kaa n tiriai ibukin aia mwakuri n ikotaki ma aron tararuaana bwa ena teimaan, tabeua aanga ma kawai ibukin totokoan te urarake ke katokan te urarake ao ai reiakinan te aro n ibuobuoki ngkana iai te kanganga ae riki I nanon te kawai n aron te kurati, bwa ana ataa te bwai ae kakawaki ibukin karaoan mwakuri n ibuobuoki. E bon rangi ni korakora nanoia taan iira te kataneiai aio, ao a bon bane n tokanikai ma te tamaroa.
E a karaoaki te kabanea n bong bwa te tai n angabeebwa ibukiia ake a tia n ira buaokon te kataneiai, ao n karaoaki te kataneiai iroun te bonomwi ao te kauoman n Kamitina n Bureitiman ae Mr Retaake Takabwere ao Mr Matthew Davis, n taorimwiaki ma anganakin te botaki n Bureitiman Fire Emergency Response Unit kiingin uowa kaa n tiriai iroun ana Ai Kamitina Aotiteria ae Karen Bray, ake a bwaintangiraaki mai iroun te SA CFS.
E a maan n iriira buaokon te angareirei ao te waaki n ibuobuoki te South Australian CFS ma Kiribati ao n tia n buoka Kiribati bwa ena bobonga ao ena rikirake ana mwakuri n tiriai ao n toamau aron te babaronga ibukin taobaraan kanganga aika a karina n riki.
E a boutokaaki ma n mwanenaki te katanaeiai aio iroun te Tautaeka n Aotiteria ao Nu Tiiran, rinanon rabwate aika te Pacific Community Secretariat ao te Pacific Island Disaster Management Alliance.

Australian training lifts Kiribati firefighting skills
8 May 2024
A team from the South Australian Country Fire Service (CFS) visited Kiribati between 11 April and 6 May 2024 to conduct Fire and Emergency Training with the Kiribati Police Service’s Fire and Emergency Response Unit.
The team of four South Australian CFS members was led by Mr Matthew Davis and supported by Mr Philip Tapscott as Deputy Team Leader and Regional Training Officer; State Training Officer, Mr Ricky Jarvis; and Regional Fleet Officer, Mr Joshua Jeffree. While in Tarawa, the team met with Government officials from the Office of the President’s National Disasters Management Office, Kiribati Police Services Fire Emergency Response Unit, and other Government state owned enterprises.
The three-week training program consisted of lectures and outdoor practical drill practices for participants. The training included how to operate and maintain a fire truck, defensive fire suppression skills and responding to a road crash. The officers completed their training with outstanding performance and commitment.
A graduation ceremony was held on their final day of training to mark the end of the three-week training program. Kiribati Police Service Deputy Police Commissioner, Retaake Takabwere and Matthew Davis handed out certificates of completion to all participants. Australian High Commissioner Karen Bray attended the graduation ceremony and was on hand to present the keys for two fire trucks donated by the South Australian CFS.
The South Australian CFS has participated in mentoring and training with Kiribati since 2016 and has assisted in upskilling their resources and firefighting capability to develop a coordinated emergency service.
The training was jointly funded by Australia and New Zealand through regional bodies Pacific Community Secretariat and the Pacific Island Disaster Management Alliance.

Te kakatauraoi ibukin te tokanikai: 100 te bong imwain te kauaaba n te aonnaba ae te Paris 2024 Olympics Games
24 Eberi 2024
E na korakora noorakin mwaitiia aia taan takakaro aban nako te Betebeke n te kauaaba ae e na karaoaki I Buranti ae te Paris 2024 Olympics ao te Paralympics, e a koro nanon aio rinanon ana mwane n buoka Aotiteria ibukiia taan takakaro, iaan te buoka ae te #Pacific2Paris man te rabwata ae te PacificAus Sports.
E aki raka iaon 100 te bong ao e nang kaukakii te kauaaba n takakaro aio irouia aban nako te aonnaba n 26 n Tuurai, ao tabeua te bong imwiina ao e a manga waaki aia takakaro koraki ake iai toaraan rabwataia n 28 n Aokati. A roko ngkai n aia kabanea n mwaneka ibukin aia kakatauraoi, karianako man aban nako te Betebeke.
Iai taan takakaro ake a tia n qualify bwa a kona n ira te kauaaba aio, ao ae a tabe ngkai n mwamwakuria marurungiia n aia iango ma korakoran rabwataia nakon aia kabanea n tamaroa. Tabeman a tuai ni qualify moa ao ae a tabe ngkai ni kaei kauaaba aika ana irii inanon wiiki ma namwakaina rake aikai ibukin karekean riniia bwa a na qualify nakon irakin te kauaaba aio ao n tei ibukin abaia.
N aron are e katanoataaki inanon Beberuare, ao e teimatoa te buoka ae te #Pacific2Paris ibukia taan takakaro nako man te Betebeke n buokia n uarokoia bwa a na kona ni qualify. E raka iaon 250 taan takakaro man 13 aban nako Te Betebeke aika a mwanenaki n te buoka aio, are e karokoaki rinanon ana aobiti Aotiteria nakoia ana rabwata Kometen te Orimbiki (NOC) nako ibukin mwanenakin aia kataneiai iaon abaia ao i aban naba tinaniku.
“Ti rang kukurei n mwakuri ma te Tautaeka n Aotiteria ibukin boutokaia ara taan takakaro aika a toua aia kabanea ni mwaneka n aia kakatauraoi ibukin te kauaaba” e taku te Beretitenti n te Oceania National Olympic Committee ae Dr Robin Mitchell.
E a manga reitia riki n taku James Macleod, te Director n Kometen te International Olympic ibukin te NOC Relations, Olympic Solidarity ao Olympism365,” Te waaki aio e na buokia aaba aika uarereke n katauraoia ibukin te kauaaba ae e na karaoaki n tain te takakaro ae te Paris Games, te waaki aio e katea naba te banna n reitaki ni bobonnano imarenaia aaba nako”.
Ngkai e a tabe n kaan te tai nakon te kauaaba aio ae te Paris Games, ao e a korakora nooran te kakamwakuri ibukin waakinan kanoan nako te #Pacific2Paris n aaba nako.
N 28 Beberuare, ao e a tia te Tautaeka n Aotiteria rinanon ana Aobiti iaon Kiribati n ikarekebai ma te Kiribati National Olympic Committee, ao Te Botaki n Mwakuri ibukia Aine, Roronrikirake, Takakaro ao Kamweraoi (MWYSSA) n katanoata bwa iai tengaun (10) mwaitiia ana taan takakaro Kiribati aika ana mwanenaki aia kataneiai ao aia kabo ibukin aia qualification ke riniia nakon te kauaaba aio.
Karekei matami iroun Nei Teretia Toauriri, ana moan tia itau Kiribati irouia aine, ae e a kaman tokarake nanona n kan kaota matan Kiribati inanon te marae n takakaro. E taku neiei,” E rang bwaka nanou n te takakaro ae te itau. I rang tatangira te oro nte itau. Ao I aki manikangare n aei!”
E rang ni kukurei Aotiteria n boutokaia taan takakaro iaon Kiribati ao ni ingainga naba nanona n kan nooria I-kiribati – ao taan takakaro man aban nako Te Betebeke – bwa ana nakoraoi aia takakaro n te kauaaba ae te Paris 2024 Olympics.

Getting set for success: 100 days to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games
24 April
#Pacific2Paris funding delivered through the Australian Government’s PacificAus Sports may see more elite athletes from the Pacific qualify for the Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics than ever before.
With under 100 days to go to the Opening Ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games on 26 July, and just a few more to the start of the Paralympic Games on 28 August, elite athletes from across the Pacific are entering the final stages of their preparation.
Some have already qualified for Olympic competition and are focused on building to a mental and physical peak. Others are yet to gain entry and must compete at qualifying events over the weeks and months ahead.
Announced in February, the #Pacific2Paris initiative is actively providing Pacific athletes with the help they need to get set for success. Delivered by PacificAus Sports through Australian High Commissions and National Olympic Committees (NOC) in the region, the initiative is supporting more than 250 athletes from 13 Pacific countries to train and travel internationally.
“We’re excited again to work with the Australian Government to support our athletes through their final preparations on their journey to the Games,” says Oceania National Olympic Committee President Dr Robin Mitchell.
James Macleod, the International Olympic Committee’s Director of NOC Relations, Olympic Solidarity and Olympism365, adds: “This will assist these smaller nations with qualifying, competing and performing at the Paris Games, and is a true model for continental solidarity.”
As the clock ticks down to the Paris Games, the #Pacific2Paris program has gained momentum with launches taking place across the region.
On 28 February, the Australian High Commission in Kiribati joined with the Kiribati NOC and the Ministry of Women, Youth, Sport and Social Affairs to announce support for 10 young Kiribati athletes to train and compete for selection on the world stage.
Watch out for Teretia Toauriri, the only female boxer in Kiribati, who is looking forward to representing her country in the ring. “I like boxing. I like to punch. I’m serious about that!” she says.
Australia is proud to support these i-Kiribati athletes and looks forward to seeing Kiribati – and Pacific – success at the Paris 2024 Olympics.

Te boraraoi (MOU) ae e Boou imarenan Kiribati MHMS ao te University of Melbourne
13 March 2024
E a tiba tia n tiainaaki te boraraoi (Memorandum of Understanding) imarenan te Tautaeka ni Kiribati ao Te Tautaeka n Aotiteria rinanon aia rabata ae te University of Melbourne ao te Botaki ni makuri ibukin te Mauri ao Katoki Aoraki. E tiainaaki te boraraoi aio i Aoteria n 21 Beberuare iroun Honourable Dr Tinte ma kain ana tiim inanon tikuia i Aotiteria. Raon Hon. Itinteang n tianaa te boraraoi aio bon mataniwiin te University of Sydney ni mwangana are te tabe ma te makuri ni kuakua. E na boboto te boraraoi aio iaon kakorakoraan te ikarekebai iaon karikirakean makuri n reirei ao kamatebwai n te aro bwa tina kona ni kaotinakoi aanga/kawai ibukin makuri ni kuakua iaon Kiribati aika a oomwaaka ni kona ni katarai aekaki n aoraki aika a kakaokoro. Te reitaki n iraoraoi ibukin makuri ni kamatebai ibukin katoki aoraki e na kona ni kaotinankoi aanga ni kamaiu nakoia te botanaomata.
E rang kukurei Aotiteria ni kakoroa nanon te boraraoi aio ao n teimatoa n tatauraoi n ikarekebai ma Te botaki ni kuakua rinanon aanga aika a kakaokoro n aron naba ana waaki n ikarebai iaon te Kiribati Australia Health Sector Program, n ikotaki ma ara buoka rinanon rabata n ibuobuoki rinanon te aono n tebetebeke ao te aonaaba n ikotaki ma te boraraoi ae tibwa tiainaaki aio.
Bwanin rongorongo - nakon te University of Melbourne Media Release here: Click Here

Kiribati Signs MOU with University of Melbourne, Australia
13 March 2024
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between the University of Melbourne in Australia and the Government of Kiribati on 21 February 2024. The signing ceremony took place during a recent visit by a delegation from the Kiribati Ministry of Health and Medical Services to Australia.
The Honourable Dr Tinte Itinteang, Kiribati Minister for Health and Medical Services, signed the MOU with senior academic and administration staff from the university, including from the Faculty of Medicine, The MOU focusses on strengthening academic and research collaboration to provide a comprehensive approach to health care in Kiribati; one that recognises the impact of our collective expertise to tackle pressing health issues and help save lives.
Australia is proud to partner with the Kiribati Ministry of Health and Medical Services through many avenues of cooperation including the Kiribati-Australia Health Support Program, multiple multilateral and regional mechanisms, and partnerships such as the one formalised through this MOU. Australia reiterates its strong commitment to continue this positive partnership into the future.
For more information, see the University of Melbourne media release here.
Te Beretitenti ae rine, Taneti Maamau e anga ana taeka ibukin kaukan umwanreirei aika boou nte reirei ae Sunrise i Temwaiku ao n raonaki iroun ana tia Tei Aotiteria ibukin te Betebeke.
13 March 2024
A tia kain te kawa ae Temwaiku ni karaoa aia bukamaru n 12 bongin Maati ibukin tian mwakuri ni kateitei ao katamaroa nakon aia reirei ae Sunrise Primary School. Te Beretitenti ae rine, Taneti Maamau, ngaia are e anga ana taeka ni kauki umwanreirei aika boou aikai ao n taorimwiaki ma maroro mai iroun ana tia Tei Aotiteria ibukin te Betebeke, Ewen McDonald, te Minita ibukin te Botaki n Reirei, Alexander Teabo ao ana tia Tei Aotiteria nakon Kiribati, Karen Bray.
Ana komete te reirei ae Sunrise bon ngaia ake a tia ni baronga kanoan te botaki aio rinanon te Botaki n Reirei ao ni ikarekebai ma kain ana Burati Baan te Ikotaki ni Bureitiman, ake a kaira aia mwaati ataein te reirei ao ni uouo n tain te bukamaru aio.
Te reirei ae Sunrise bon te ka-28 n reirei are ea tia ni karaoaki mwakuri ni kateitei aika boou ao ni katamaroa nakon aia umwanreirei, iaan ana buoka Aotiteria rinanon te Karikirake ae te Kiribati Education Improvement Program ke te KEIP. Te Karikirake ae te KEIP ea tia n roko n tokina ni banen te ririki ae 2023, ao ngkai ea manga waaki te Karikirake ae boou ae kinaki n arana ae te EduKAiT are tei ibukin Kiribati-Australia Education Program in Tungaru.

The new Sunrise Primary School Maneaba and refurbished classroom block with water tanks in foreground
Iai ana mwaneba te reirei ae Sunrise are kateaki naba ibukin ana waaki te reirei ma ataei, Karo ma taan kawakinia ataein te reirei.
Aia tabo n nakonako ataein te reirei a karaoaki n te aro are ataei ana mano man te riringa ao te karau.
Umwanreirei aika boou ma mwakuri ni katamaroa a kateaki ni kaineti ma kainibaire ibukin mwengaraoia ataein te reirei. Iai tangke n ran ake a kateaki irarikin umwanreirei ma 25,000 mwaitin te rita n ran are a kona ni kawakinna ibukin te ran ni moi ibukia ataein te reirei ao itera riki tabeua.
Te mwakuri ni kateitei ao ni katamaroa aio ea tia ni karaoaki rinanon te ikarekebai imarenaia kain te Karikirake ae te KEIP, te kambwana ni kateitei i Kiribati ae te Taka Contractors, ana tiim te Botaki n Reirei ake a tabe ma umwanreirei ao te Botaki ni Mwakuri ibukin Mwakurian Karikirake ao kaitematoan te korakora.
A anga aia maroro te unimwane ao te mataniwi man te reirei ae Sunrise ni kaitaua nakon te tautaeka ao kain Aotiteria ibukin aia umwanreirei aika boou. E reita naba te kaitau te Minita ibukin te Botaki n Reirei nakon Aotiteria ibukin teimatoan aia buoka ae mwaiti nakon te reirei ni kaineti ma ana Kanoa ni mii te Tautaeka iaan ana KV20.
Te reirei ae Sunrise ea taubobonga n tobwaia ataein Temwaiku ni ikotaki ma ana waaki te reirei ma kain Temwaiku ngkai ao nakon taai aika imwaira.
Ana buoka Aotiteria nakon te Botaki n Reirei e mwaiti kanoana irarikin mwakuri ni kateitei ao katamaroa nakon umwanreirei. Anne are e na karaoaki iaan ana Karikirake ae boou Aotiteria ae te EduKAiT are e na waaki inanon 10 te ririki rinanon te ikarekebai ma te Botaki n Reirei. Te Karikirake ae te EduKAiT e na reitanako ana buoka Aotiteria nakon katamaroan te anga reirei ma bwai n anga reirei bwa e aonga n karikirake riki aron rabakauia ataein Kiribati.

Students at the Sunrise Primary School in the central field with their new double storey classroom block in the background.
President HE Maamau officially opens Temaiku Sunrise Primary School alongside Australia’s Special Envoy for the Pacific and Regional Affairs
13 March 2024
The Temaiku community gathered on Tuesday 12 March 2024 to celebrate the completion of the extensive upgrade and refurbishment of Sunrise Primary School. President of the Republic of Kiribati, His Excellency Taneti Maamau, formally opened the new facilities accompanied by the Australian Government’s Special Envoy for the Pacific and Regional Affairs, His Excellency Ewen McDonald. Also in attendance were the Honourable Alexander Teabo, Minister of Education, and Australia’s High Commissioner to Kiribati, Her Excellency Karen Bray.
The event, led by the Sunrise School community with support from the Ministry of Education, involved the Kiribati Police Service Brass Band, a march past by the school children, and performances.
Sunrise Primary school is the 28th school funded by the Australian Government through the $100 million Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP). KEIP has now concluded and has been replaced by a new program called EduKAiT – the Kiribati-Australia Education Program in Tungaru.
The school upgrade has delivered a new spacious maneaba, which sits at the heart of the school and provides an all-weather venue for school and community activities.
Fourteen new classrooms surrounding the maneaba are modern, well-ventilated and fitted with whiteboards and resilient locally made school furniture.
Covered walkways and raised footpaths provide inclusive and safe access to all classrooms.
In keeping with the sustainable features of the design, which include use of natural lighting and ventilation, are the 25 1000 litre water tanks situated at the ends of classroom blocks. These tanks ensure efficient rainwater harvesting to feed the 15 toilets and provide safe drinking water taps for convenient student and teacher use.
The school was built in close collaboration between the Australian Government’s KEIP (now EduKAiT) program team, and local contractor Taka Contractors with technical support from the Ministry of Education’s Facilities Management Unit (FMU), and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy (MISE).
The Unimwane, Sunrise Primary school board and Head Teacher, and all expressed their sincere gratitude to the Government and the people of Australia for the best and newest school facilities in Kiribati. In his keynote speech, Minister Teabo thanked Australia for consistently delivering significant funding to supplement the Government of Kiribati’s 20-year Vision education goals.
The Sunrise Primary school is a community asset, which will serve the Temaiku students and school community for this generation and into the next.
Australia’s investment in Kiribati’s education sector is not limited to infrastructure development. EduKAiT represents a new ten-year multi-million dollar investment in partnership with the Ministry of Education (MOE) to continue support for quality teacher training and resources. Australia supports the MOE’s strategic plan including to strengthen literacy and education outcomes.

The Kiribati and Australian flags flying at the Sunrise Primary School, Temaiku.
E waekoa n roko ana buoka Aotiteria nakon te Botaki ni Mwakuri ibukin te Mauri ao Katoki Aoraki.
5 March 2024
Ea tia Aotiteria n ienikuria rokon kaako aika a rangi ni kakawaki ibukin te mwakuri ni kuakua, nakon te Botaki ni Mwakuri ibukin te Mauri ao Katoki Aoraki. Aio te buoka ibukin kaekaan te bubuti ibukin taren kaako ni bwainaoraki ake a karina ni bane ao ni n rangi ni kainanoaki ibukin mwakuri ni kuakua iaon Kiribati ni kabuta ao ai bon nakon ana onaoraki Kiribati ae te Tungaru Central Hospital.
E waekoa Aotiteria ni karokoi bwai n Aoraki aika a rangi ni korakora kainanoaia aikai, n ikotaki ma te ibuobuoki irouia ana taan karaoa te angareirei iaon bwain Aoraki tabeua, karaoan kataneiai ao ai bon tabeua buoka riki aika rangi ni kakawaki ibukin teimatoan te rikirake n te mwakuri n te mauri.
A tia ni butimwaea te buoka aio te tia koroboki ibukin te mauri ao katoki Aoraki, ae Benny Teuea, ao te tarekita tienera ibukin te mauri ae Dr Revite Kirition, ao ni bane n roko raoi ngkai inanon bain te pharmacy I Nawerewere. Ana bon bane n tibwaaki nako bwainaoraki aikai ibukia Aoraki ake a rangi kainanoia.
E rangi ni kukurei Aotiteria n teimatoa n riki bwa angan bain te Tautaeka ni Kiribati ae korakora ao n tatauraoi nakon te ibuobuoki nakon Kiribati.
E kan reita ana karabwarabwa Aotiteria nakon te Nauru Airline ibukin moanibwaian katokaan kaako aika a rangi ni kakawaki aikai nako Tarawa, rinanon kawaia ni kiba are tomaa te Betebeke meang, are boutokaki iroun te Tautaeka n Aotiteria.

Australian Government National Critical Care and Trauma Centre staff with some of the critical medical supplies for despatch to Kiribati
Australia Provides Swift Response to Ministry of Health & Medical Services
5 March 2024
Following a request for assistance, Australia has quickly delivered much needed lifesaving medical supplies to the Kiribati Ministry of Health and Medical Services. The support responds to unexpected country wide stockouts of critical supplies and medications facing health clinics and the central hospital.
Australia responded quickly to provide high quality and fit-for-purpose support worth around AUD 500,000. Australia's support is not limited to procurement of essential medicines, but includes technical assistance, training, and other longer-term commitments.
Medicines have already been delivered to the Kiribati central pharmacy and received with thanks by the Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Medical Services, Ms Benny Teuea, and Director-General of Health, Dr Revite Kirition. These supplies will be distributed by the Ministry to support patients most in need.
Australia is proud to be a strong, responsive, and dependable partner to Kiribati.
Australia wishes to acknowledge Nauru Airlines' support for prioritising this vital cargo into Tarawa using the North Pacific Connector flight, supported by the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

A member of the Australian Government's National Critical Care and Trauma Centre packing boxes for despatch to Kiribati

Australian High Commission Ag/Deputy High Commissioner Brenton Kanowski receives some of the supplies at Bonriki International Airport
New Police recruits train on board Reliant
8 February 2024, Tarawa
Kiribati Police Maritime Unit’s newest recruits were welcomed on board Australian Defence Vessel Reliant at Betio Port, Tarawa yesterday (Jan 31).
Reliant’s crew was eager to show the recruits their ship and conduct first aid and line handling training.
Reliant was in Kiribati to deliver important cargo to the central Pacific island nation. Two fire trucks were offloaded at Betio Port in the nation’s capital on Tuesday (Jan 30) along with critical medical supplies, reading books and other educational material for i‑Kiribati children, and other donations to various ministries.
The new recruits came aboard as the Kiribati Police Service Police Maritime Unit prepares to receive a second patrol boat from Australia.

The KPS recruits pose with Reliant crew on the helicopter deck of the ship
Guardian Class Patrol Boat RKS Teanoai II Captain Tom Redfern said the Police Maritime Unit had recently grown in size from 42 personnel to 66.
“We have 25 new recruits that were selected from the Kiribati Police Service.”
Police Superintendent Redfern said the new recruits were a welcome addition to the Police Maritime Unit.
He said the new recruits and new patrol boat would enable continual monitoring of Kiribati waters and protection of marine resources.
For many of the new recruits, including Police Constable Sosene Peter, 24, it was their first time on a ship.
Constable Peter, from Tabiteuea South in the Gilberts Group, said he was really excited by the possibilities and opportunities of his new job.
“I’m excited to travel and explore new things. I’m looking forward to learning all about ships and going to Australia for some more training.”
Woman Police Constable Taiti Kanoa, 31, from Makin and Tarawa, is one of five female new recruits. The mum of three children said she dreams of one day being a captain of a ship exploring the outer islands of Kiribati.
Woman Police Constable Renate Bokai, 34, transferred to the Maritime Unit after five years in the Kiribati Police Service. The mum to four sons, from Abaiang Island, will become a ship’s engineer.
She said she was looking forward to studying and learning new skills and hoped to be a good role model for her boys.
Royal Australian Navy Leading Seaman Hoang Williams, from Brisbane, showed the recruits around the ship and gave some lessons in line handling.
“The training was very beneficial, the recruits were very engaged, asking lots of questions and it was a great experience for our ADF crew to integrate and interact with the Kiribati Maritime Unit.
“For many of them it was their first time on a ship and it was all new to them. They were really excited to see a really big vessel like ADV Reliant and they were keen to learn as much as they could during their training.”
It’s Reliant’s third visit to Kiribati since she entered service with the Royal Australian Navy in 2022.

Royal Australian Navy officer LCDR Paul Newton addresses the KPS recruits
A butimwaeaki ana tiim ae boou te Kiribati Police Service nako aon te Defence Vessel Reliant I Betio, Tarawa ngkoananoa 31 bongin Tianuare.
A nang kukurei ana kaimoa te Reliant n kaneweabaia kain te tiim aio ao n karaoa aia kataneiai iaon te first aid ma aron kaerakean te kaibuke.
Reliant e bon roko I Kiribati n nikiri ana kaako aika kakawaki nakon te aono n Betebeke. Uowa kaa-n -tiri ake a karuoaki i tabon te uaabu, i Betio n te Kauabong (30 Tianuare) ni ikotaki ma bwaai n aoraki aika a rang kainanoaki, bwaai n reirei ibukia ataein Kiribati ao ai bon buoka tabeua nakon ana botaki mwakuri nako te Tautaeka aika kakaokoro.
A tokara te kaibuke kain ana tiim Kiribati Police Servie Maritime Unit ao ni karaoi aia kataneai n katauraoia imwain butimwaea te kauoua n barebooti are bwaintangiraki iroun Aotiteria.
A na kaaben te Guardian Class Patrol Boat RKS Teanoi II ae Cpt Tom Redfern e taku bwa e rikirake n mwaiti kain te Maritime Unit man 42 nakon ngkai 66.
“Iai 25 ake a tibwa tia n kateirakeaki man te Kiribati Police Service”

Police Superintendent Redfern e taku bwa kaain te tiim ae boou aikai a bon tibwa butimwaeaki naba nakon te Police Maritime Unit.
E taku bwa naake a boou aikai a na bon reitanako tararuan marawan Kiribati ma kawakinan kaubwaina.
Mai ibuakoia kaain te tiim ae boou aei are a reke tokaia n te kaibuke bon te Kabure Sosene Pete (24 ana ririki); Kaubure Peter mai Tabiteuea maiaki. A taekinna atainaimwane aikai bwa ai bon tibwa ai moantai n toka n Reliant ao n tauraoi n karaoi tibwangaia are e kantaningaki mai irouia.
Te Bureitiman n aine ae Taiti Kanoa, 31 ana ririki ao kain Tarawa ma Makin, bon temana mai ibuakoia 5 aine ake a tibwa teirake. Neiei bon teniman natina ao e nang tataro bwa n te taina ao e na kona n riki bwa te kaaben n te kaibuke nako buuki.
Te Bureitiman ae Renate Bokai 34 ana ririki e mwaing nakon te Maritime Unit imwin 5 ana ririki n mwakuri n te Kiribati Police Service. Neiei bon 4 natina mwaane, ao kain Abaiang, ao enang tangiria n riki bwa te intinia n te kaibuke n taai aika a na roko.
E nang ingarakea mwanangana nako n kamatebwai ao n reireina rabakau aika boou ao n kona n riki bwa te banna n katoto ae raoiroi ibukia natina.

Te Seaman are e kaira te Royal Australian Navy ae Hoang Williams, mai Brisbane, e kairia nakai iaon te kaibuke ao n karaoa te kataneiai iaon kabaean te kaibuke ae rororake.
Te kataneiai aio e bon nang manena, a nang toka mataia kain te tiim aio ao n mwaiti aia titiraki ao bon te namakin teuana ibukira ngaira kain te ADF ake ti roko ao n reitaki ma kain te Kiribati Maritime Unit.
Ibukia angina, ao ai tibwa aia moan tai n toka iaon te kaibuke. A nang kukurei ke a noora te kaibuke ae bubura n ai aron te ADV Reliant ao a nang mwaiti aia kan atatai iaon kataneiai ake a karaoi.
Aio bon ana kateniua n tai n roko iaon Kiribati te Reliant imwin ana ikarekebai ma te Royal Australian Navy n 2022.

A karakaaki kaa-n-tiriai nako Kiribati mai Aotiteria
5 February 2024, Tarawa
N te wiki aio ao te ADV Reliant e tia n nikiri uowa kaa-n-tiri-ai nakon te Tautaeka ni Kiribati.
Ea tia te Ai Kamitina mai Aotiteria, HE Karen Bray, n angania naake a onimakinaki n tei ibukin te Tautaeka ni Kiribati uowa kaa-n-tiriai ao n ikotaki ma bwai n ibuobuoki riki tabeua nakon te Tautaeka ni Kiribati.
N na mamaroro Ms Bray tain aia ‘handing-over’ are e boo n itabon te uabu i Betio, ao e taku bwa “Kaa-n-tiriai aikai bon bwaintangira man te Australia Country Fire Service nakon te Tautaeka ni Kiribati”.
“Kaa-n-tiriai aikai a bon ranga n korakora ao n tamaroa ao man tauraoi ibukin kbonganaki irouia kaain te Kiribati Police Service, ni kaitarai kanganga ma te urarake iaon Kiribati.”
“Bwaai n tangira aikai a bon kaota aron te reitaki ao te ikarekebai ae e bwabwaki ao man matoatoa ao nakoraoi imaren te South Australian Country Fire Service ao te Kiribati Poice Service (KPS)”.
“N ririki aika a nako ao taan tiriai mai Aotiteria a bon kaman ibuobuoki n karaoi kataneiai ao n anga bwai ni mwakuri nakon te KPS ibukin kamanoanakia i-Kiribati. Bon iai naba kaa-n-tiriai ao bwai ni mwakuri tabeua are a bon reke naba iroun te KPS inanon 2018 ao 2019.”

Te kauoman n Kamitina ni Bureitiman ae Kabuaua Uatao ao te Tia Koroboki nakon ana Aobiti te Beretitenti ae Tebwaatoki Taawetia, bon ngaia ake a butimwaea te bwaintangira aio.
N ana maroro te moan tia koroboki n te OB ae Mr Taawetia are e rabwatana naba te Tautaeka n Kiribati ao e anga ana karabwarabwa ae moan te South Australia Country Fire Service ibukin bwaai n tangira aikai. E taku naba te tia koroboki man te OB bwa “E kakatonga n butimwaai bwaai n taingira aikai are e kamatoa aron te katiteuanaiki n aron te reitaki ae nakoraoi ”.
“Ngkana ti tarai ririki aika a nako ao e bon oti ae tiaki aio te moan bwain n tangira ae e tia n karokoa Aotiteria”.
“Ti onimaki ao n kakoaua bwa kaa-n -tiriai aikai e na bon kakerakea ana konabwai te Kiribati Police Fire Divisions n kaitarai urarake inanon taai ni kabuanibwai”.
“Te ikarekebai aio e bon riki bwa te kakoaua ana motin nano Aotiteria nakon n te aonnaba n kamatoan ao ni kanakoraoi waaki n totoko ibukin kanganga n irekereke ma te urarake”.
“Akea te nanokokoraki bwa ami anganano aio e na bon tiku n uringaki irouia kain Kiribati bwa e buoka n kamanoa ao n katauraoa Kiribati ibukin kaitaraakin kanganga.”

Te Ai Kamitina, HE Karen Bray, e bon anga ana taeka ni karabwarabwa nakoia kain te ADV Reliant ibukin nikirakin kaako aika a nang kakawaki aikai. E anga naba ana karabwarabwa ibukin butimwaeaia kain ana tiim ae boou te Police Maritime Unit (PMU) ake a neweaba iaon te kaibuke ao n karaoi kataneiai iaon te first aid ma aron kabaeakin booti are e karaoaki te Katenibong ae nako.
“I taku bwa bon te namakin ae kaokoro irouia kain te PMU ake a boou ao ai bon titebo naba ma aia namakin kain te Australian Defence Force ngke a tia n reke aia tai n kaitibooaki”.
E kaota naba kukurei te Ai Kamitina n Aotiteria n rokoia kaain te Reliant ao PMU nakon te kakao ibkiun te kaboo n te takakaro ae te nete n irianaki ma te bbq are e boo n aobiti Aotiteria i Bairiki.
N ikotaki ma aia kaa-n-tiriai ao te Reliant e bon karokoi naba bwai ni mwakuri ao n ibuobuoki nakoia kain Kiribati n ai aron bwaai n reirei, bwai n aoraki, bwai ni kamanomano ao bon bwaai n tangira riki tabeua.
Reliant ngkai ae bon waaki naba ni buti n te Betebeke, n kawari aba nako, n karokoi bwai ni mwakuri ake a boutoka tararuakin te marawa.
More Fire trucks delivered to Kiribati by Australia
This week the Australian Defence Vessel (ADV) Reliant delivered two fire trucks to the Republic of Kiribati.
Australian High Commissioner to Kiribati, Her Excellency Ms Karen Bray, presented the trucks and a quantity of additional equipment to representatives of the Government of Kiribati.
“The fire trucks are a gift from the South Australia Country Fire Service to the Government of the Republic of Kiribati” Ms Bray said at the handover ceremony on Betio Wharf in the nation’s capital.
“These two fire trucks are quality fire fighting vehicles immediately available to the Kiribati Police Service, who provide the firefighting capability in Kiribati.”
“They have been meticulously prepared and supplied with additional equipment by the South Australia Country Fire Service.”
“This donation marks the latest chapter in a long history of collaboration and partnership between the South Australian Country Fire Service and the Kiribati Police Service (KPS).”
“For many years now, Australian fire fighters have been providing training and equipment to the KPS to keep i-Kiribati safe. Trucks and equipment were also delivered in 2018 and 2019.”
Assistant Police Commissioner Kabuaua Uatao and Secretary of the Office of the President (OB), Tebwaatoki Taawetia, accepted the delivery for the Government of Kiribati.
“On behalf of the Government of Kiribati, I would like to express our sincere gratitude for the generous gift of two fire trucks from the South Australia Country Fire Service,” OB Secretary Taawetia said.
“We are deeply honoured and humbled by this motherhood gesture of solidarity.”
“I would like to acknowledge that this is not the first gift that we have received from Australia if we look back over the years.”
“However the provision of these fire trucks will undoubtedly enhance the capabilities of Kiribati Police Fire Divisions and every attempt to carry out their fire-fighting duties and will heighten efficiency and effectiveness.”
“These fire-fighting vehicles will significantly contribute to the safety and wellbeing of our people. We are genuinely thankful for the trust and confidence that the South Australia Fire Service has placed in our country.”
“This partnership serves as a testament to the value of our international cooperation in strengthening our firefighting resources and disaster response capacity.”
“Your generosity will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on the people of Kiribati by ensuring a safer and more resilient environment.”
High Commissioner Bray thanked the crew of ADV Reliant for delivering the important cargo and for hosting Kiribati Police Service’s newest recruits to the Police Maritime Unit aboard the vessel on Wednesday for a tour and training in first aid and line handling.
“I’m sure it was a valuable experience for the recruits but also for our Australian Defence Force colleagues to have that opportunity to meet them as well.”
“It was also a real pleasure to host the new recruits and the crew of Reliant yesterday at the Australian High Commission for a social volleyball game and Aussie barbeque.”
In addition to the fire trucks, Reliant delivered tonnes of other supplies for Kiribati including education resources, urgent medical supplies, safety equipment and donations.
Reliant is conducting a patrol through the Pacific, visiting Pacific island countries, delivering stores and equipment and supporting maritime surveillance.
See the Defence Media article here.

RCPA Hosts MHMS Pathology Doctor in Australia for Training
1 February 2024
N te namwakaina aio ao te Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) ena karaoa ana kataneiai iaon te pathology ke te kamatebwai iaon rikin mannaoraki ma temana te i-Kiribati. Dr Tiaeke Tewareka, te pathologist n te Tungaru Central Hospital ena kakioa Aotiteria n 26 n Beberuare ao ena karaoa ana kataneiai iaon te pathology inanon 13 te wiki n te onaoraki teuana I Sydney ae St Vincent Hospital.
E bon rineaki Dr Tewareke imwin ana maroro te RCPA ma te Kiribati Ministry of Health ike e ataaki bwa bon ti ngaia ae taua te rabakau iaon te pathologist iaon Kiribati. Inanon ana tai n karaoa ana kataneiai n te St Vincent Hospital, ao ena bon reireinaki te pathology ae kinaaki n te aonnaba ao n reke ana tai n rinnakoa aron te mwakuri iaon te pathology n aia laboratory kain te aonaraki aio are ena bon kairaki irouia kain te RCPA ma Dr Peter Earls ao A/Prof Svetlana Cherepanof.
Ana Beretitenti te RCPA ae Associate Professor Trishe Leong e taku:
“Te aomata ae mwatai iaon te pathology e bon kainanoaki ibukin tuoakia Aoraki man ataakin aia kanganga ao ngaia bon ti Dr Tewareka ae kona n karaoa aio I abana. Imwin ana tai I Aotiteria ao ena kona Dr Tewareka n ibuobuoki n tibwanga rabakauna aio nakoia raona n mwakuri n okina nako Kiribati. Atatai aikai ma tibwakin rabakau a bon kakawaki ibukin katamaroan te marurung ao n karekean te kabanea n tamaroa n buoka nakoia aoraki nako”.
Dr Tewareka bon ngaia temana mai ibuakoia onoman man te Betebeke ake a anganaki te kataneiai iaon te pathology n aia ruu n kamatebwai kain Aotiteria iaan te Australia Awards Fellowship. Raona n mwananga bon taokita naba ake a kataneiai mai Biti, Tonga, ao Vietnam. Te buoka aioi are e bon anganaki te RCPA mai iroun te Tautaeka n Aotiteria.
“Te RCPA e bon kakotonga n teimatoan ana ikarekebai ma te Australia Awards are ngaia e kariaia bwa ti na kona n tibwanga rabakaura aio ma taan kataneiai ma iabatera ao n angania te rabakau ae rietata ma tuan ao kawain te tutuo. Te pathology ae te kabanea n tamaroa e bon kainanoaki ibukia aoraki ni kabane. Aio are e bon kainanoa te pathologist ae bane arona, e aonga n kona n eti raoi mwin ana tutuo. Kiribati bon teuana mai ibuakoia abaa ake a karako aia pathologist; ngaia are ti kakoaua bwa e nang kakawaki aekaki n kataneiai aikai a aonga n kona n uota n oki te rabakau are a tia n reireinaki nakon abaia.
E reitia n taku Assoc. Prof Leong bwa “enang karabwarabwa RCPA kai e kona n kaira te kataneiai aio n tenaan laboratories iaon Aotiteria”
Ibukin rongorongon te RCPA ae bwanin, taiaoka kawara

RCPA Hosts MHMS Pathology Doctor in Australia for Training
This month, the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) will host an i-Kiribati pathology trainee at a specialist laboratory in Australia. Departing for Australia on 26 February 2024, Dr Tiaeke Tewareka, pathologist at the Tungaru Central Hospital, Tarawa, Kiribati will receive 13 weeks of pathology workforce training at St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney.
Selected in consultation with the RCPA and the Kiribati Ministry of Health and Medical Services, Dr Tewareka is currently the only local pathologist in Kiribati. During his placement at St Vincent’s Hospital, Dr Tewareka will receive world-class pathology training and the opportunity to immerse himself in a working pathology laboratory environment, hosted by RCPA Fellows, Dr Peter Earls and A/Prof Svetlana Cherepanof.
RCPA President, Associate Professor Trishe Leong, said:
“A trained pathologist is essential for accurate patient diagnosis and yet Dr Tewareka is the only trained pathologist in his country. After his time in Australia, Dr Tewareka will be able to share his newly acquired knowledge and skills with colleagues once he returns home to Kiribati. Such information sharing and training programs are vital to improving global health and ensuring best patient care for all.”
Dr Tewareka is one of six overseas pathology trainees receiving training in Australia’s pathology laboratories as part of the Australia Awards Fellowship. The additional five trainees are from Fiji, Tonga, and Vietnam. This comes after the RCPA was awarded funding from the Australian Government.
“The RCPA is proud of its longstanding partnership with Australia Awards, which allows us to share expertise with overseas trainees and provide advanced training in diagnosis and treatment protocols. High-quality pathology services are fundamental to any healthcare system. This relies on having trained pathologists, which are essential for accurate patient diagnosis. Kiribati is just one example of a country without many local pathologists; therefore, we believe it is essential to provide opportunities to train in our laboratories so these skills can be taken back to these countries.
“The RCPA is extremely grateful to the hosting pathology laboratories in Australia for supporting this program,” said Assoc. Prof Leong.
For further information on the RCPA, please visit and see RCPA media release here.
Valuable cargo delivered to Kiribati by Australian Defence Vessel Reliant
1 February 2024, Tarawa
E moana mwananga the Australian Defence Vessel (ADV) ae the Reliant n te wiiki ae nako ibukin ni kiran kaako ae moan te kakawaki i Kiribati.
Kaako aika bon uowa kaantiriai ao n roanaki ma bwaai riki tabeua are e rang bongana ibukian kaain te Kiribati Police Service (KPS) ao n kaotinakoaki n 30 n Tianuare n te uaabu I Betio.
E anga ana taeka ni butimwai te Ai kamitina Aotiteria ae Karen Bray n rokon ADV Reliant ma kaina nako Kiribati ao n taku bwa te kaako aio ena bon manena raoi ao man kabutimwaaka kaitaraan te kabuanibwai ioan Tarawa. E taekinna naba bwa “Kaantiri aikai bon bwaintangira man te South Australia Country Fire Servie nakon te Tautaeka ni Kiribati.”
Kaantiriai aikai bon kaa aika mwakaroroi aia mwakuri n tiri. Te kantaninga bwa e na buoka katamaraon ana waaki te Kiribati Police Service ibukin te mwakuri tiri ai. Irarikin te kaantiria ao iai riki bwaai tabeua mai irouioa kain te South Australian Country Fire Service.”
Ti onimaki bwa bon akea te kabuanibwai aika a na kainanoa kabonganikin kaantiriai aikai ma e na buoka kabebetean ao e karekean te rau nanora iroun te KPS n ataia ae ena tauraoi ngkana iai kainanoana. E bon rang buoka naba te KPS ibukin kamanenana inanon tai te kataneiai irouia ake tabeia te tiri ai.

Australian Defence Vessel Reliant in Tarawa with the Australian-donated Kiribati Guardian-class Patrol Boat RKS Teanoai II (301) in the background.
Irarikin kaa n tiri ai ao te kaibuke aio e bon uota naba tabeua bwai ake a na kona n ibuobuoki nakoia kain Kiribati n ai aron bwai n reirei, bwainaoaki, bwai n kamanomano ao ai bon anganano.
Lieutenant Commander Paul Newton, are bon ngaia te Royal Navy Liaison Officer iaon te kaibuke ae ADV Reliant are e kitana Brisbane n 19 n Tianuare e taku bwa “Ti waakina ngkai ara waaki n tutuo rinanon te Betebeke, n kawakiri abana aika kakaokoro ao n nikiri bwaai ake a kona n boutoka tararuakin te marawa
Ti nang kakatonga nikiri bwaai aika a rang n bongana ibukin Kiribati n aron te kaantiriai ao bwaain nako ana barebooti te tautaeka n Kiribati, bwai ibukin te mauri ma te mwengraoi ao n raonaki ma bwai ake e kainanoi Aobitin Aotiteria iaon Kiribati.
Ai ana kateniua n tai n oki ara kaibuke aio n roko Kiribati ma angina kain ara tiim ake a iri ngkai ai bon tibwa aia moan tai n roko ikai. Ti nang kakatonga n rokora I Betio bwa e reke ara tai nora katein Kiribati ao reitaki ma ngkami.
“Ana tiim naba te Kiribati Police Unit ake a boou nakon te Police Maritime Unit ena bon reke naba aia tai n neweaba te kaibuke aio ao n karaoi aia kataneiai iaona.”
Reliant bon anganibain te tautaeka n Aotiteria are teimatoa n anga ana buoka mai iai inanon te Betebeke, ao n kakaonimaki n kaekai buoka ake a kainanoaki mai irouia raoraona n taai ake a kainanoia iai.
Te kaibuke aio are bon 102 te mita abwakina e karokoi ana buoka Aotitreia n te aona n Betebeke, n ikotaki ma tararuan te marawa, karokoan kaako aika kakawaki ao te buoka ibukin te mauri ma te mweraoi inanon tain te kanganga.
Australian Defence Vessel (ADV) Reliant delivered important cargo to Kiribati this week.
Two fire trucks for the Kiribati Police Service and various aid supplies were offloaded at Betio Port on 30 January 2024.
Australian High Commissioner to Kiribati, Her Excellency Ms Karen Bray, welcomed ADV Reliant and her crew to Kiribati and said the cargo would enhance emergency response capabilities on the Tarawa atoll.
“The fire trucks are a gift from the South Australia Country Fire Service to the Government of the Republic of Kiribati,” she said.
“These two fire trucks are quality fire fighting vehicles immediately available to the Kiribati Police Service, who provide the firefighting capability in Kiribati. They have been meticulously prepared and supplied with additional equipment by the South Australian Country Fire Service.”
“We sincerely hope the fire trucks will not be required in an emergency situation but it is added peace of mind to have them available and will enable firefighters to hone their skills and practice firefighting drills.”

One of the donated Fire Trucks being released after its transferral to the wharf
In addition to the fire trucks, the vessel is carrying tonnes of other supplies for Kiribati including education resources, medical supplies, safety equipment and donations.
Royal Australian Navy Liaison Officer aboard ADV Reliant, Lieutenant Commander Paul Newton said Reliant sailed from Brisbane on 19 January.
“We are and conducting a patrol through the Pacific, visiting Pacific island countries, delivering stores and equipment and supporting maritime surveillance.”
“It’s a privilege to be able to deliver the much-needed fire trucks, supplies for the Republic of Kiribati Guardian-class Patrol Boat, aid supplies, medical equipment, and essential stores for the Australian High Commission on the island.”

A container of supplies is unloaded from the Reliant
“The ship is returning to Kiribati for the third time but for many of the crew it is our first time here. So it is a real pleasure to pull into Betio Port. A chance for us to learn and to connect with our Pacific Family.”
“The Kiribati Police Service’s newest recruits to their Police Maritime Unit will also have the opportunity to tour the ship and will undertake some training on board. We’re really looking forward to showing them around.”
Reliant is the Australian Government’s enduring humanitarian capability in the Pacific, better enabling Australia to respond to Pacific partners’ requests, and support them in time of need.
The 102-metre long vessel expands the range of Australia’s support across the region, including maritime surveillance, transport of essential cargo and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.
Ae iaon kawaina ngkai n tia te babaronga ibukin te Reitaki imarenan Kiribati ao Aotiteria n ikarekebai ni buoka rikiraken ana waaki te Reirei ae boou.
14 Tebetembwa, 2023 Tarawa
E a roko raoi ngkai n tokina kanoan te mwakuri n ikarekebai rinanon te Kiribati Education Improvement Program ke te KEIP, imwiin 12 te ririki maanin te reitaki n ikarekebai aio imarenan Aotiteria ao Kiribati, ao ae ea waaki ngkai te babaronga iaon te waaki n reitaki ae boou.
N te aro bwa ena kona ni bane ni mwannanoaki mwiin nako ana mwakuri te karikirake aio, ke ni kawakinaki reirei aika a tia n rinanoaki, kanganga aika a tia n aitara ma ngaai, ao aanga ma kawai ae ena kona n reke te mabiao ibukin ana mwakuri te rabwata aio, ao ni kona ni katamneiaki kawai aika a boni kona ni kaieieaki mai Kiribati man te Bootaki n Reirei ao rabwata ake ti mwamwakuri ma ngaai, ao ea tia te Tautaeka n Aotiteria iaon Tarawa ni mwakuri ma te rabwata ae te DT Global ni katebenakoa te tiim are e na manga reitaanako ao ni manga kaieiea ke ni kabaa te mwakuri n ikarekebai ae boou. Ea tia ni waaki ana moan tetere te tiim ae boou aio are a mwakuriia inanon 18 te bong, are ea moa man 27 n Nobembwa nikarokoa 14 n Tebetembwa. E kamatoa riki ana buoka te Tautaeka n Aotiteria ibukin karikirakean te reirei ibukiia te nati ni Kiribati, ao e moa te mwakuri aio mani waakinan kabaakin te te karikirake ae boou aio ao imwiina ea mwakuriiaki naba ana kanoa ni mii man te ririki 2024.
Ea te tiim aio ni moana aia moan tetere ni mwakuri iaon te karikirake ae boou aio ao te moan mwaneka ae a toua, bon te karoko moa I Biitii i Suva, ni kaitibo ma ana aobitia te Tautaeka n Aotiteria ao te Tautaeka ni Kiribati, n raonaki ma aobitia man rabwata ake a teimatoa n anganga te buoka, ibukin katebenakoan itera aika a kakawaki imwain ae ea kabaaki te karikirake aio. Ea tia naba te tiim aio ni karoko iaon Kiritimati ao bon Tarawa, ao n tewea te maroro ma ana aobitia te Bootaki n Reirei iaon itera raa aika ana kona ni buoka te karikirake aio. E karaoaki te maroro aio I Tabontekeke man 8 nakon 9 n Ritembwa. E bon reianau te waaki ni maroro aio ngkai e boni karaoaki raoi te kamatebwai rinaon maroroakinana ao te babaronga iaona. E taku ana Kauoman n Tia Koroboki are boni ngaia naba are e tararua te Bootaki ni Mwakuri ibukin te Reirei ae Birati Titon,”Aio e aki rereke mai imwaina, ae e a boni karokoaki te maroro irouia kain te kainga ao bon rabwata ake ana buoka aron mwakurian te karikirake aio, ao ti bon bane n Tokanikai iai” E reita te maroro temanna ana tia kairiri te tiim ni kaba aio ae Nei Teekoa Iuta n taekinna bwa, “Imwiin te moan tetere aio, ao ena manga iai riki te roko ae ena karaoaki ni moan Beberuare nte ririki ae na roko iaon Tarawa, ao ena iai naba te mwananga nako aonaba. Ena rangi ni reeianau karaoan te mamaroro ma e rangi ni kakawaki baerongaan kawaira nte aro are ena akea ae ena katinanikuaki inanon te maroro aio, ao ti na kona n uaia n ikarekebai ni katebenakoi kawai ke anga ake ti kakoauai bwa a tia n rangi n ibuobuoki n taai aika a nako, ibukia ara taan anga te buoka. Rongorongo ake tina karekei man taabo ake tina kawari, ana bon rangi ni kakawaki ibukin butiraoin ao ana Tokanikai te waaki ni karikirake ae boou aio.”
Mani mwiin te maroro, ao ena kona ni kaira aron aia babaire te Tautaeka n Aotiteria ao te Bootaki n Reirei I Kiribati ni katea te kainibaire ibukin te karikirake aio iaon aanga ma kawai bwa ena kona ni mwakuri te Bootaki n reirei ni karokoi ke ni katamroai ibukin waaki n reirei nakoia ataein Kiribati, ibukin manga tebwii tabun riki te ririki.
E reita te maroro ana Kauoman n Aikamitina Aotiteria ae Anthony Liew, “Ti na teimatoa n reitanako te mwakuri n ikarekebai n iraorao ma Kiribati, ngkai ti bon ataia bwa e bon rangi ni kakawaki te reirei ibukin Boutokaan rikiraken kaubwain te aba teuana ma teuana, ni buokiia aomata bwa ana bane n eutakirakeaki nakon te maiuraoi ao ni kona ni mwakuri n aia kabanea n Tamaroa.”
Kotea ikai ngkana ko kan wareka riki rongorongona n ara website.
Ibukia kabonganaan te rongkrongo irouia taani kareke rongorongo
Ngkana ko tangira ni kani kabwanina rongorongona ke ni kareke riki rongorongo iaona, reitaki nakon:
[email protected] ke tarebooniira iaon 74021184

New Kiribati-Australia Partnership Support to Education: Programme Design Underway
14 December, 2023, South Tarawa
The Australian-funded Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP) concludes at the end of December after providing 12 years of comprehensive support to Kiribati. From 2024 a new partnership will commence, with the design already in progress.
Australia is proud to reaffirm its commitment to improving education outcomes for all children in Kiribati. This begins right from the start – in the design phase. To capture all the observations, lessons, challenges, promising practices, and further opportunities for this multi-stakeholder initiative, and to ensure the new programme reflects sustainable local solutions with inputs from the Kiribati Ministry of Education (MoE) and community stakeholders, the Australian High Commission and Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) colleagues in South Tarawa appointed a design team that embarked on a 18-day mission from 27 November to 14 December 2023.
The design team’s first stop was in Suva for face-to-face meetings with representatives of the Governments of Australia and Kiribati and other active development partners who aren’t based in Kiribati. Technical discussions helped to frame opportunities and risks for the new programme. The design team also conducted intensive field visits in Kiritimati and South Tarawa, culminating in a weekend retreat with the Kiribati MoE team at Tabontekeeke, North Tarawa from 8-9 December 2023. The design team had thorough discussions and expansive consultations with MoE through a full-day workshop.
“The MoE and community stakeholders being consulted at this level for the new programme design is a win-win for all of us, this has not always been the case,” Mr Birati Titon, Deputy Secretary and Officer in charge of the MoE said.
Co-design Team Leader Teekoa Iuta highlighted the significance of the partnership approach being applied to the design, “following this mission, we have another visit scheduled in early February 2024 for further consultations in Tarawa and a possible visit to another outer island.”
“It takes time but by being inclusive in our approach, we can analyse and emphasise together what has truthfully worked and what has not in the past, and why – for all partners. The information on the ground will be crucial to the success of the new programme”, Mrs Iuta added.
After the consultations, DFAT and MoE will finalise the programme design that will guide Australia's support to the MoE to deliver improved learning outcomes for all children in Kiribati over the coming decade. Importantly, this is driven and informed by the Ministry’s own Education Sector Strategic Plan 2024-2027.
Acting Australian High Commissioner to Kiribati, Mr Anthony Liew said, "we are committed to continuing to work in partnership with Kiribati as we know education is crucial to supporting economic development, helping to lift people out of poverty and reach their full potential."
Click here for a summary of KEIP's achievements
If you would like further information or interviews, please contact:
[email protected] or call 74021184
Bukamaruaan 12 te ririki n Tokanikai nte reirei iaon Kiribati, rinanon tamaroan te reitaki imarenan Kiribati ao Aotiteria.
December 2023
N tain bukamaruan te botaki ni kainiin ibukin te katebwimauoua n ririki n reitaki imarenan te Tautaeka n Aotiteria ao te Bootaki n Reirei i Kiribati, rinanon ana rabwata ae te Kiribati Education Improvement Program, ao ea uataboaki te bukamaru aio iroun ana Aikamitina Aotiteria ae H.E. Karen Bray ao te Kauoman ni Beretitenti ae karineaki, Hon Dr. Teuea Toatu.
Inanon ana maroro H.E. Karen Bray, ao e katuruturua aron tamaroan aia mwakuri korakora ana taani mwakuri te Bootaki n Reirei, iaon uarokoan ao karikirakean te waaki n reirei ibukia ataei ao te roronrikirake iaon Kiribati. E kukurei Aotiteria n teimatoa n riki bwa raon Kiribati, ni boboutokai kawai ibukin rikirakeia ataein te reirei, taan reirei ao ai bon reirei nako, bwa ana bane n roko nte Tamaroa.
E taku te Minita ibukin te Bootaki n Reirei ae Hon Alexander Teabo, “E korakora te bitaki ae tamaroa inanon te waaki n reirei iaan te reitaki n iraorao imarenan Aotiteria ao Kiribati.”
E reitia n taekinna riki te Minita, “E bon rangi ni korakora ana ibuobuoki nakoia ataei ao bon utu nako iaon Kiribati, te buoka aio. Teuana te katotoo ae ti kona n noora te bitaki iai, bwa koa kona n nooria ataei ao taan reirei n tekateka inanon aia umwa n reirei, ma te unga n nano, te mwengaraoi ao te kukurei.”
E reita ana taeka ni kimarimari ao ni karabwarabwa te Minitita, “Ti bon rangi ni karabwarabwa bwa bon te rao ni koaua Aotiteria, ao ea boni maan n tei irarikira.”
Man te ririki 2011, ao ea tia te Kiribati Education Improvement Program n buoka te Bootaki n Reirei ni uarokoa rikiraken te reirei ibukia ataein Kiribati. Ni karokoa te tai aei, ao ea tia Aotiteria n anga te buoka n te bota ni mwaiti ae ea riaon $97 te mirion, ibukin te reirei.
Tabeua kanikinaean te Tokanikai:
- Mwakuri ni katamaroa ao n onobwai nakon kateitei n taian reirei:
- E nakon Onobwi ma teniua te katebubua ngkai mwaitiia ataei ake a reirei ni moan rinan n reirei aika tebwimateniua mwaitiia, ake a tia mwakuri ni katamaroa ao n onobwai nako iai,
- Uabwi ma waniua ngkai reirei aika a tia mwakuri ni katamaroa nako iai (uabwi ma ruaiwa te katebubua man te boota ni mwaiti n reirei iaon Kiribati)
- Uabubua nimabwi ma onoua mwaitin kateitei aika a boou ake a tia ni kateaki, tebubua nimaua umwa n reirei ake a onobwaiaki mani katamaroaki.
- Tebubua ruabwi ma waniua mwaitin tangke n ran ngkai aika a kateaki ao ni kanimwaki n reirei ake a tia mwakuri ni katamaroa iai, tebubua itibwi ma uoua mwaitin kai n nako tinaniku, tenibwi te ngaa te boota ni mwaitin ibukin bwai n reirei aika a mamatoa ake a karokoaki bwa bwain umwanreirei aika a boou nikabane aikai.
- Kateaki uoua bora Uatao kateitei n aia Kuura n Reirei ni Kataneiai Taan Reirei iaon Kiribati, ao teuana ibukin te Examination and Assessment Unit.
- Buokan karaoan te karikiram ibukia rinan teuana nakon ruaiwa, n ikotaki ma karekean bwai n anga reirei.
- Buoka nakon ana waaki n tutuo ao ni kaetibwai te Bootaki n Reirei ibukia moan rinan ao te Junior level imwiin te ukeuke.
- Waaki ni Kairiiri, Anga Reirei ao kataneiai:
- E riaon nimabubua mwaitiia koraki ake aki bane aia reirei n tia n reke buokaia rinanon te waaki ni Kairiiri, Anga Reirei ao te Kataneiai.
- Waaki ni kataneiai nakon ana Kuura ni Kataneiai ana taan Reirei Kiribati ao bon nakoia taan reirei:
- Buokan te Kuura iaon kabutiraoan waaki n anga reirei ao karekean aia beebwa ae kinaki nte aono.
- E riaon ruabwi te katebubua mwaitiia taan reirei aika a tia n ira ngkai te kataneiai iaon te in-service.
- Karinaia Ataei ake iai toaraan rabwaia nte waaki n reirei:
- Buoka te Bootaki n Reirei ni katamaroan ao katean te kainibaire ibukin karinaia ataei ake iai toaraaia inanon waaki n reirei, ke n ataaki arana ae te 9 Model Inclusion Schools.
- Nikarokoa te tai aei, ao ea nakon uabubua tengaun ma itiman ataeinaine ao ataeinimwaane ake iai toaraan rabwataia aika a ira buakon te reirei n ana moan rinan ao kauarinan n reirei nako Kiribati.
Aikai tabeua karikirake ake a tia n rangi n ibuobuoki nakon waaki n reirei ibukia ataein Kiribati.
Ea roko raoi n tokina ngkai ana mwakuri te Kiribati Education Improvement Program ni banen te irirki aio 2023, ao ea tia Aotiteria ni manga kakina tebwiina riki te ririki are ena waaki nakon te ririki ae boou 2024. E kamatoa Aotiteria teimatoan ana buoka ao ana kakaonimaki, ibukin uarokoan te rikirake nte waaki n reirei, ao rikirakeia naba ataein Kiribati nikabane.
Ibukin Kanakorongorongo
Ngkana ko tangira riki rongorongona, ke tao kona kareke rongorongo ae maiu, ao reitaki nakon:
[email protected] (74021184)

Kiribati-Australia Partnership: Celebrating 12 Years of Education Success in Kiribati
December 2023
In a memorable event held this week, the Australian High Commissioner to Kiribati, Her Excellency Ms Karen Bray, joined with Honourable Vice President Toatu to celebrate the conclusion of a 12-year partnership between Australia and the Ministry of Education through the Kiribati Education Improvement Program.
Expressing her immense pride in Australia’s support to Kiribati, H.E Karen Bray emphasised the unwavering commitment and dedication of the gathered representatives from the Ministry of Education and its partners in improving education for Kiribati's children and youth. Australia has been a proud partner in the Ministry of Education efforts to support their schools and teachers to achieve improved educational outcomes."The partnership between Australia and Kiribati has significantly contributed to the development of education in our nation," stated Honourable Minister for Education, Alexander Teabo. "The support has undeniably impacted the lives of children and families in Kiribati. A classic example is the provision of furniture to all schools in Kiribati. The provision of desks and chairs is truly an inspiration for students and teachers", he said.
Acknowledging Australia's longstanding commitment, Minister Teabo affirmed "Australia has been [our] long-term partner, and we're grateful to have Australia with us."
Since 2011, the Kiribati Education Improvement Program has supported MoE's mission to improve education outcomes for children across Kiribati. Australia has contributed over $97 million in support to the Kiribati education sector during the period.
Notable achievements include:
- Upgraded Kiribati Education Infrastructure:
- 63% of enrolled primary school children now learn in improved schools across 13 islands.
- Upgraded 28 primary schools (29% of all Kiribati primary schools).
- Constructed 256 new Primary school classrooms, upgraded 105 existing classrooms.
- Installed 198 water tanks, 172 toilets, and 30,000+ items of quality classroom furniture at the upgraded schools.
- Built two new double-storey learning centres at the Kiribati Teachers College and a new double-storey Examinations and Assessment Unit building.
- Curriculum and Examinations:
- Support to develop and implement Kiribati’s new Year 1 – 9 curricula, including providing extensive teaching and learning resources
- Support for the Ministry’s Primary and Junior Secondary assessment and examination framework.
- Leadership, Teaching, and Learning:
- Over 500 Kiribati school leaders have received professional development through the Leading Learning Instructional Leadership (LLL) course.
- Kiribati Teachers College (KTC) and Teacher Training:
- Assisted to strengthen KTC operations and systems for regional accreditation.
- Over 90% of all Ministry teachers have participated in in-service teacher training.
- Inclusive Education:
- Supported the Ministry to updated and implemented its Inclusive Education Policy including the establishment of 9 Model Inclusion Schools, that provide education opportunities for boys and girls with disabilities.
- So far, 217 boys and girls with disabilities have been mainstreamed into Primary and Secondary education through these Model Inclusion Schools.
These are but a few of the initiatives that have significantly improved the education opportunities and learning outcomes for students of Kiribati.
The Kiribati Education Improvement Program concludes at the end of 2023 and Australia has committed to a new 10-year program from 2024. Australia reaffirms its support and commitment to quality education opportunities for all children in Kiribati.
If you would like further information or interviews, please contact:
[email protected] or call 74021184

A teacher in a new classroom with her students

Happy i-Kiribati students using Australian-funded quality furniture in a traditional classroom
Mai Iroun te Kaaben Peter Nugent, Australian Defence Force
Ea tia ana Taanga n Tararua Aotiteria n arana ae te Australian Defense Force Aotiteria ni kibara ngkai mwakurian ao buokan rikiraken te tiim n Urakibi iaon aban te Betebeke ae Kiribati.
Ana tiim n takakaro Kiribati aio e a tia ni mwananga nako Brisbane n ira te kaboo n aia kauoua n takakaro n te aonaba n te Oceania Rugby Sevens Championship, ao are a karekea iai nneia ae te katengaun ma aman iaon te tebwi ma onoua te tiim, ake a ira naba buakon te takakaro aio.
Ea tia te mwananga aio ni manga kamatoa te reitaki n iraorao ma ana rabwata n takakaro ana Taanga n Tararua Aotiteria ae te ADF Sports Diplomacy ao mwangana are te CIMIC, ao are ea karokoaki iai te kakao ibukin te takakaro n iraorao are e boo nte Gallipoli Barracks I Enoggera.
Te Coach ae Morrison “Molly” Benson e kaota kukureina ngke a uaia n takakaro tiim aikai inanon te gymnasium, te tabo n uaua, ao n te Duncan Oval ibukina te kataneiai ae matoatau are ea karaoaki inanon uabong.
“Akea raoi ara tabo n takakaro I abara ngaia ae e rangi ni kanganga bwa ti na kataunarea buburan te marae, ke itera raa ae tina kamatoaira iai, ma ikai ao e reke ara tai n mwakuri iaon abwakin marangara ao n atai taabo iaon te marae ae ti riai n kamanoi” e taku Coach Benson.
Irarikin ana katautau ibukin tokanikaia nte marae n takakaro, ao e bon tangira naba ae ena reke atongan Kiribati nte kaboo n te takakaro aio.
“Tia kateia bwa ara taakete ao ara kantaninga bwa ena riki bwa atongan Kiribati ao n kauki kawai ibukia te roro n rikirake iaon abara, ao ara kantaninga naba bwa ena kaungai nanoia ara ataei bwa a na rinako n te takakaro aio ao n boutokaira”.
“Te boto ni iango nte tai aio bwa ti na kona n tokanikai ao rinnakoa te kabo nte aonaba ke te Olympic Games are ena booaki I Brisbane n te ririki 2032” e taku Beretitenti Baireti.
“Angiia taan takakaro aikai, a bon bane n ieie man te rinan are inano, ao ara katautau ngkai bwa ana kona n okirikaaki ao ni karaoi kataneiai nakoia te roro ae tabe n rikirake bwa ena reitinako te takakaro aio i abara. Iai ngkai ara kanoa n reirei ae ea tia n tei rabwatana, ao bon ataei aikai, aika ana manga bon ira naba buakon te kauaba ae te 2023 Olympics.”
Ana Lieutenant temana ana Taanga n Tararua Aotiteria ae Colonel Justin Robinson man te JTF637, e roko n mataku irouia kain Kiribati aikai ao n noora birin aia booro.
“Moan te tamaroa, ao e mwamwannano te butimwaai are ti boo ma ngaia n rokora I Kiribati ngke ti karaoa ara Longreach Exercise n moan te ririki aio” e taku LTCOL Robinson.
“Ngaia ae riai ao e boni kakawaki iroura bwa ti na kaoka aia akoi aio nakoira ao n kamatoa tamaroan te reitaki rinanon te takakaro”
Ea kainaki te kataneiai aio nte kamironron n anenea te kuna ni karabwarabwa, irouia nikabane ana taan takakaro Kiribati ao ana taan takakaro ma aobitia ana Taanga n Tararua Aotiteria, ake a reke rokoia ni boutoka.
Ko kona n noori tamnei nte link aio.
By CAPT Peter Nugent, Australian Army
The Australian Defence Force is taking a hands-on role to support the growth of Rugby Sevens in the Pacific nation of Kiribati.
The Kiribati national team recently travelled to Brisbane to compete in just their second international tournament, the Oceania Rugby Sevens Championship, where they finished 14th out of the 16 teams that participated.
The trip also allowed the team and its officials to rekindle their friendship with members of the ADF Sports Diplomacy and CIMIC branches, with an invitation to train at Gallipoli Barracks, Enoggera.
Coach Morrison ‘Molly’ Benson was delighted to let his team loose in the gymnasium and pool facilities, and on Duncan Oval over a two-day intensive training period.
“We don’t have a proper pitch back home so it is really hard for us to measure the field, here we can work on our spacing and identify which areas on the field we need to defend,” Coach Benson said.
As well as future on field success, the coach hopes to build a legacy for the country.
“We set a goal that we want to create history and create opportunities for generations to come in Kiribati, so hopefully this will give us a chance to inspire young kids to come in to join and support us.”
Kiribati Rugby Sevens President Karea Baireti also has lofty ambitions for the national team.
“The ultimate aim at the moment is to qualify for the Olympic Games back here in Brisbane in 2032,” President Baireti said.
“All of these players are Level One coaches, so when they go back, they are qualified to then start coaching and getting the next generation going. We’ve got a really good schools program, and it’s those kids who are going to be in the 2032 Olympics.”
The Australian Army’s Lieutenant Colonel Justin Robinson from JTF637 was on the sidelines to watch the Kiribati players go through their paces.
“The reception we received when we went to Kiribati during Exercise Longreach earlier this year was brilliant, the people were so kind and welcoming,” LTCOL Robinson said.
“So it was really important that we took this opportunity to reciprocate and build our relationship through sport.”
The training session ended with a powerful demonstration of friendship when all of the players, staff and ADF personnel formed a circle and linked arms before singing an impromptu song of thanks.
You can view images here.
An article by the Australian High Commissioner
H.E. Karen Bray
21 November 2023
Kiribati ao Aotiteria - te reitaki rinanon te takakaro
Nte aono ni Betebeke ni kabuta, ao ti bane n toma nte marawa ae tii teuana, aron tein ara karaki ni kawai, ao aroarora n reitaki n itangitangiri. Ti toma naba iaon tangiran te takakaro, are ea uotiira ni katiteuanaira iai inanon tain te takakaro nte marae.
Rinanon te takakaro, ao ti tibwai imarenara korakorara, ao ti bukamarui arora ni Uarokoan te Tokanikai ao te inanoi. E rangi ni korakora ana ibuobuoki te aroaro aio, ni uarokoa karikirakean te reitaki ae Tamaroa iaon ara aono.
Ni moan te Namwakaina aei, ao I rangi ni kukurei n ira buakon te bukamaru ni kaukuki ibukin te takakaro iaon Kiribati ae Te Runga iaon Tarawa. E riingaki nanou n noori tiim man Abamakoro aika a kakaokoro, ni kaoti tangiran abaia rinanon mwanewen kunaia ma aia kaungaunga aika moan te tangiraoi ao ni kakamataku, ao n noora buraburan matan abaia are a katiouataakea n aia kaboraoi aika a kakaokoro mani matamata.
I rangi ni kukurei ngkai e kona n reke tibwan Aotiteria n angabai n ibuobuoki nakon Te Runga, te mwaitin ni mwane ae $75,000.00 ao n anga naba bwain takakaro, kaboraoi, ao n onobwai nakon taian roki ibukin kabonganakia irouia taani mataku iaon Bairiki ao a mwaitin riki.
N te wiiki aio, ao ea bane nako te koraki mani koonan nako te Betebeke, ni kakioa aon Toromon ibukin te Kauaba n Takakaro irouia aban nako Te Betebeke. Te Takakaro aio, ea katiouataakea rianakon aia taarena aban nako te Betebeke aika a kakaokoro, ao are ea karekea naba te tai ni karikirakea ao ni kakorakora te reitaki imarenaia aban nako te Betebeke, ma te botoniango ae ‘te Kakaewenako, te Bukamaru, ao te Inanoi’.
Ai aron naba are i Aotiteria, ao ti kaungaia rooro nako, mwane ao aine, ao koraki ake iai toaraan rabwataia, bwa ana kona n ira buakon te kukurei ni bukamaru ao n ira te kaboo n taian takakaro iaon te Betebeke.
Ana kaoti naba ana taan takakaro Aotiteria, ma aia kara ae te babobo ni koora ao te kiriin, n ira buakon te kabo nte takakaro irarikiia 23 aban nako te Betebeke, are bon teuana mai ibuakona boni Kiribati.
E kukurei Aotiteria ngkai e boutoka te Bwabwaro n Takakaro ibukia aban te Betebeke. Bon iai ana kainibaire Aotiteria iaon karikirakean te takakaro n te aono n te Betebeke.
Teuana mai ibuakon te rabwata mai Aotiteria are e boboutoka te takakaro bon te, PacificAus Sports. Te rabwata aio ea karekei kawai ma aanga ibukiia taan takakaro man aban nako te Betebeke, bwa ana kona n iri kaboo itinaniku, ao ni kona ni kareke aia waaki ni kataneiai I Aotiteria ao bon n te aonaba.
Au katekeraoi nakoia taan takakaro nikabane nte aono ni Betebeke. Bon moan te kakanato ae ngkoe te tia takakaro, kona tei ibukin abam.
Ia kaingaa nanou ni mataku n taian takakaro are ea waaki nte wiiki aio ao nakon te wiiki aika ana roko, ao ia kaungai nanoia nikabane taan takakaro – ai moaraara riki taan takakaro mai Kiribati ao Aotiteria.

The Australian High Commissioner, H.E. Karen Bray handing over equipment to the Secretary of MWYSSA, for use in Te Runga 2023
Kiribati and Australia - enduring partners through sport
Across the Pacific, we are connected through our geography, our common history and our close bonds. We are also connected through our shared love of sport, which brings us together both on and off the field.
Through sport, we share in each other’s courage and strength, and celebrate each other’s resilience and successes. It helps to bring out the best in us and build strong and lasting ties across our region.
Earlier this month, I was honoured to attend the opening ceremony of the Te Runga Games in Tarawa. It was an amazing experience to see participants from every Kiribati island entering the stadium. Their enthusiasm, distinctive chants and songs, and colourful uniforms were a memorable highlight.
I am very proud that Australia was able to support Te Runga by providing AUD75,000 in assistance, including equipment, uniforms, and public toilet upgrades in Bairiki for use by spectators and competitors.
This week, the Pacific has come together to celebrate its love of sport at the Pacific Games – the most significant sports event on the Oceania calendar. The Games showcase talented athletes from across our region, as well as an opportunity to celebrate our strong cultural and community connections under the theme ‘Challenge, Celebrate, Unite’.
Just like in Australia, we encourage people of all ages, gender, and those with disability, to enjoy and participate in sport across the Pacific.
Australian athletes will be at the Games in their green and gold, competing alongside athletes from 23 other nations, including eighty competitors from Kiribati.
Australia is proud to be supporting Pacific athletes from across the region. We have a long-term commitment to sports development in the Pacific.
This includes through the PacificAus Sports program, which is helping develop pathways for Pacific teams and athletes to compete in elite competitions and access high performance coaching in Australia and internationally.
I want to wish all the athletes from across our region the best of luck and share our congratulations. There is no greater honour than representing your country.
I look forward to watching the best of Pacific sport in action over the coming weeks and will be cheering for all the talented athletes – but in particular those from Kiribati and Australia.

Australian Defence Force personnel assisted Kiribati Rugby during their stay in Brisbane for Oceania Rugby Sevens (Nov 2023), and prior to their departure to Honiara for the Pacific Games

Australian High Commission staff made many visits to the fields of Te Runga 2023 to watch the games and to hand out merchandise - including waterbottles filled with cold water on hot days (pictured: First Secretary Brenton Kanowski with mens' volleyballers)
18 November 2023
Umwanreirei aika a boou, Maneaba, ao te Iti mani korakoran taai, ibukin kaukakin te moan rinan reirei ae Nei Abitabu Primary School iaon Maiana.
Nte bong ae 18 n Nobembwa 2023, ao ea tia te Minita ibukin te Bootaki n Reirei (MOE), Hon Alexander Teaba, ao ana Aikamitina Aotiteria ae Her Excellency Ms Karen Bray, ni uataboa manga kaukan te moan rinan reirei ae Nei Abitabu, are ea kanikinaea iai tian ao bobongan te mwakuri ni katamaroa ao n onobwai nako iai, iaon Maiana.
Te mwakuri ni katamaroa aio, ena karekea te mwengaraoi nakoia 188 ataein Kiribati, mwane ao aine iaon Maiana, are ena kona ni kakorakora nanoaia ataei ma te unga n nano nte reirei ibukia te roro aio ao n taai aika ana roko.
Ea mwanenaki katean te reirei aio man te Tautaeka n Aotiteria, ao are ea karaoaki mwakuri ni kateitei rinanon te Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP). Kateitei aika a boou aikai, a boni kona ni kaitarai kanganga n irekereke ma bibitakin kanoan boong, ao ni kona naba n karokoia ataei ake iai toaraan rabwataia, bwa ana bane ni mabiao iai ataein Maiana ngkai ao nakon taai aika ana roko.
Aio bon te ka 27 n reirei are karaoaki iai te katamaroa iroun Aotiteria, ao inanon te tai aei, ao ea nakon iteran mwaitiia ataein Kiribati ake a roro n te reirei, ae a tekateka ngkai inanon umwa n reirei aika a booureirei aikai iaoni Kiribati ni kabuta.
Te reirei bon teuana kiingin buroon ana kainibaire te Tautaeka ibukin 20 te reirei, ao boni moan te kakawaki iroun te Tautaeka ni Kiribati ao Aotiteria, bwa ena akea te ataei ae ena katinanikuaki nte karikirake aio. Are ea tei ibukin te Tautaeka, bon te Minita nte Reirei, are ea anga ana marooro iaon kakawakin te bwai n tangira aio, ao ni karokoa ana karabwarabwa Kiribati nakon Aotiteria, ibukin ana boutoka ae mwamwannano ao n teimatoa.
Mwiin te mwakuri ni katamaroa aio, ao iai 2 aekaki ni kateitei aika a bora uatao, ao inanon kateitei aikai ao iai 6 mwaitin umwa n reirei iai. Iai naba te roki ae boou, ao te tabo n tebobai ae toamau, e boni karaoaki naba te katamaroa nakon umwa n reirei ake a maan n tei ao ai te katamaroa nakon aia aobiti taan reirei. Iai naba aia tabo n nakonako ataei ae tan man te riringa ao te karau, oon te reirei, iai naba te iti ae kabonganaa korakoran taai ao ai bon bwain nako te umwa n reirei n aron te taibora ao kaintekateka ibukin katoamauaan ao kanakoraoan te reirei.
E teimatoa Aotiteria ni mwakuri n ikarekebai ma te Bootaki ni Mwakuri ibukin Kateitei ao Korakora (MISE), ao te Bootaki n Reirei iaon kabobongaan ao katean reirei aikai bwa ana bon roko raoi nte toko are e kantaningaaki. Iai naba tabeua katamaroa nakon oon te reirei, are e boni karaoaki man te Kiricraft, tabeua mwakuri ake a boni karekea ke karokoaki boni mai iaon Kiribati, are ea karekea aia mwakuri ainen ao mwanen Kiribati n reiakini rabakau aika a boou, ao ni kona ni karikirakea maiuia iai.
E korakora te kabwaia ae reke irouia kain te aba, nte mwakuri ni katamaroa nakon Nei Abitabu. Teuana mai iai, bwa katean oon te Reirei, e boni karaoaki bwaina nako man te bwai ni Kiribati iroun te Kiricraft. Te kamwakuri ni kateitei, e boni karekea naba aia mwakuri kain te aba, ao e reke naba aia tai n reirei iaon rabakau aika a boou ao ni boongana ibukin rikirakeia inanon aia tai ni mwakuri.
E boutokaki katean te Reirei ae Nei Abitabu Primary School iroun te Tautaeka n Aotiteria iaan te Kiribati-Australia Partnership. E anga bwanaana ana Aobiti Aotiteria nakoia botaki ake a uataboa ao ni karokoraoa aron te mwakuri ni katamaroa aio, n aron: te Bootaki n Reirei, te Bootaki ni mwakuri ibukin Kateitei ao korakora, te Kiribati Green Energy Solutions, ao ai bon taani mwakuri ni kateitei aika boni kain Kiribati aika te Hi-Tek, Squareline ao ai te Kiricraft.

New Classrooms, school maneaba and reliable electricity supply at the Nei Abitabu Primary School Grand Opening on Maiana.
On 18 November 2023, the Honourable Minister of Education, Mr Alexander Teabo and Australian High Commissioner, Her Excellency Ms Karen Bray together celebrated the re-opening of the Nei Abitabu Primary School on Maiana Island, marking the completion of an extensive school upgrade and expansion.
The school upgrade provides a safe and high-quality school environment for the school’s 188 i-Kiribati boys and girls and improves the learning environment for the next generation of Maiana children.
The school has been completely refurbished through the Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP), funded by the Australian Government. The buildings and classrooms provide an inclusive and climate-resilient environment for students. The quality construction ensures these facilities will benefit children and the community for many years to come.
Nei Abitabu is the twenty-seventh primary school to be upgraded in Kiribati by Australia under KEIP. Now, over half of all primary school aged children across Kiribati attend these upgraded schools.
Education lies at the heart of the Maamau Government’s Kiribati Vision for 20 years. This project helps to ensure no child is left behind in their education journey. During the event, Minister for Education Hon Alexander Teabo highlighted the importance of these new high-quality facilities at Maiana and expressed the Kiribati Government’s gratitude for the support from Australia.
The Nei Abitabu Primary upgrade and refurbishment includes two new three-unit classroom blocks (six new classrooms), new toilet and WASH facilities, a school Maneaba, renovation of existing classrooms and administration office, new covered walkways and school fencing, installation of solar power, and new classroom furniture.
Australia worked closely with the Ministry of Education and with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy to ensure the school layout and building designs are fit-for-purpose and of a very high quality. All Australian upgrades are in accordance with strict MISE requirements and receive ongoing monitoring to ensure facilities are in order.
The Nei Abitabu Primary School upgrade provides additional local benefits. The school’s new wall panels were fabricated locally by Kiricraft. Construction services were also sourced locally, providing i-Kiribati men and women with the opportunity to learn new skills and improve their livelihoods.
The Nei Abitabu Primary School was supported by the Australian Government, delivered through the Kiribati-Australia Partnership. The Australian High Commission extends it thanks to key implementing partners: the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy, Kiribati Green Energy Solutions, and local construction firms Hi-Tek, Squareline and Kiricraft.
24 August 2023
Teningaun ma teniman kain Kiribati ake a mwakuri n te Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM), n tararuakia kaara i Aotiteria, ake a moani katabwena ao n riki bwa taani moani kareke beebwa, iaan ana burokuraem te Tautaeka n Aotiteria, ae kinaaki n arana bwa te PALM Aged Care Expansion Program.
Te burokuraem aei are ea kabotoaki iaoia uoman taani mwakuri ake a tia ni kabanea aia kataneiai ao n nooraki mwiin aia mwakuri. Ibukin katabwangaakin te burokuraem aei, ao ena iai te raka ni mwaitin ae nakon 500 taani mwakuri, ake ana kona ni kareke beebwa iaon te burokuraem aio ao ni kareke mwakuri n aonon nako Aotiteria, ibukin te maan ae nakon aua te Ririki.
Taani kataneiai a boni kabanea enakon waniua te wiiki ni kamatebwai imwain ae a mwananga nako Aotiteria, ibukin reitakinakoan aia reirei ao ni mwakuri n taabo n tararua ke mwengaia kaara n aron te I Highfields Manor Aged Care are e tei I Port Macquarie, New South Wales.
Nte bong aei ao a karekea aia beebwa ae te Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing) ao n kona n reitanako aia mwakuri n te PALM scheme I Highfields Manor.
Ni karokoa ngkai, ao ea nakon 700 mwaitia taan mwakuri n te PALM aika kateirakeaki irouia kambwana n tararuaia kaara iaon Aotiteria. Te Tautaeka aio e teimatoa n mwakuri ma kain te Betebeke n ikotaki ma Timor-Leste n karikirakea mwaitia aia aomata aika a na mwakuri n te PALM ibukin tararuakia kaara.
Taani mwakuri man te Betebeke, boni ngaia ngkai aika ibuobuoki ni kanoai taabo ni mwakuri ake a kainanoaki i Aotiteria ao ni kairkirakea mwaitiia kainga nako iaon Aotiteria. Tiaki ti ngaia anne ma te mwakuri aio, are ea karekea iai te anga ni kaoki mwane nako Kiribati, ibukin buokan te maiu irouia aia utu, kain aia kaawa ao ai bon abaia. Eaki toki ikanne, ma ena kona naba n reke te rabakau ao te karikirakea rabakauiia ake ana kona ni kabonganai n okiia rikaaki nakon abaia ke mwengaia.
Tabeua kanoan ana maroro te Minita ibukin Te Rikirake ao te Betebeke, Hon Pat Conroy MP:
“Ai bon te bwaana n katekeraoi nakoia tengaun ma teniman taani mwakuri mai Kiribati ngkai boni ngaia taani moani katabwena ni karekea aia beebwa iaan te waaki ni angareirei ao ni kamwakuri aio, ao au kantaninga bwa ena aki toki ikanne ma ena tabe n rikirake te mwaiti.”
“Taani mwakuri man te Betebeke aikai, aki tii roko ni mwakuri n tararuaia ara kara ao kain ara kaawa, ma a boni karekea naba te rikirake nakon kabwaian abaia ao ni kakorakora riki te reitaki imarenara ma ara utu nte Betebeke.”
Taeka mai iroun te Minita ibukin Tararuakia Kaara, Hon Anika Wells MP:
“Te bwanaa ae mwaitoro n butimwai nakoia riki 500 taani mwakuri iaan te PALM rinanon tararuakia kaara ngkai a nang manga raonia 700 taani mwakuri ake a maan ni mwakuri, ao n roko man taabo aika a kakaokoro, n ara utu nte Betebeke ao Timor Lester iaon Aotiteria.”
“Rabakauiia, aia kakaonimaki ao ai bon anuaia n ikarinerine ake a uoti nakon aia tabo ni mwakuri, e karikirakea te kukurei irouia i Aotiteria ake a mena iaan aia tararuai.”
Tabeua kanoan ana maroro te CEO nte HealthX , Simon Small:
"Aia katei kain te Betebeke n akoi ao ni karinerine ma moanibwaian te utu e bon kanakoraoa mwakuria n aekan taabo n mwakuri aikai. Kaara ake a tararuaia a bon nang kukurei n aia mwakuri korakora ao anuaia n momoangare ao ni bubutimwaai."
"N kaboan mwin aio ao ti kukurei n karekei anga n karikirakea aron aia mwakuri ao n kanakoraoa booia ae ena teimatoa n kakukureia ao n kamwengaraoia nake a mwakuri n te HealthX’s PALM ao n kona naba n buokia aia utu ake a tiku I abaia. Tein te kamwakuri aio e bon uaiakina n ikarekebai nakon te kabwaia ibukia taan mwakuri ao taan kateirake."
Tabeua kanoan ana maroro temana te tia mwakuri n te Highfields Manor Aged Care and ACE participant, Akineti Tearu:
"Te kataneiai are ti tia n anganaki man te Health X e bon kauki mataroa ibukira ao ngkai ti a nang mwatai iaon karekean kainanoia ara kara ake ti tararuaia."
"I nang karabwarabwa nakon te tiim man te HealthX bwa aki ti tia n boutokaira nakon kabwaiara ma ara iango ma a buokira naba n taneiai nakon te katei ma te maeu iaon Aotiteria."
"Ngkai ao ti a nang mwatai iaon tabera ake ti roko n mwakuri iai ao tia kona n anga ara kabanea n tamaroa ibukia ara kara."
Full media release in English available: Aged Care Expansion program celebrates first PALM scheme graduates | Ministers and Assistant Ministers (
Kiribati National Day - 12 July 2023
Ururing rikaaki iaon te bong n Inaomata 2023 - Mai iroun te Australian High Commissioner, Her Excellency Karen Bray
Nte wiiki aio, ao i kakatonga n iriia raou ni mwakuri man Aobitin Aotiteria ni bukamarua ana kainaomata Kiribati – are bon au moan kainaomata inanon au tai n Aikamitina ibukin Aotiteria.
E mwaiti te kanoa ni waaki imaren abara ma ara kaawa nako ake I moan noori inanon au moan wiiki n tiku iaoni Kiribati – bwa Kiribati ao Aotiteria, e kakawaki irouia te utu, te atataiaomata, te katiteboaki, bwabwainakin te kokoaua ao te nano teuana ibukin te takakaro. Ti te tikina ngaira n ara iango ni kan eutaarake ara utu, abara, ao ara aono n betebeke.
N au namakin bon irou, ao I namakinna ae I rangi n tekeraoi ngkai I roko ikai. I butimwaeaki raoi man kaotaki nakoiu te taotao-n-nano ao te akoi. I ingainga ni karokoia au utu nakon abami rimwii inanon te namwakina aio. Man irekerekera ae tamaroa ao nanora ni kan ikikina, ao e na bon rikirake ara reitaki.
Bon moan te kakatonga ao ni kukurei nanou n iri buakon bukamaru ake a karaoaki ibukin rungaan ana bong Kiribati ae kakawaki aio. Tabeua bukamaru ake a reke rokou iai bon bongin rungaan kakawakin te katei, te kaboo n te anene, te kabotoa irouia ataeinaine, ao tabeua riki ike ea reke au tai n noora aron te aroaro ao te katei ni Kiribati. Ni karokoa te tai aei, ao I teimatoa n tataukirooa aron rabakauiia i-Kiribati nte taarena ae te mwaie ao te anene, ao I rangi ni kukurei ngkai e kona n reke au tai ni mwamwaie irarikimi ni katoa bobotaki.
Inanon te wiiki aio, ao I noora kakawakin te bobotaki inanoni kaawa nako, ao ia rairikaaki n taraa karakin Aotiteria. Aotiteria n taai aikai, e kinaaki bwa te aba ae mwaiti aomata man aaba ao katei aika a kakaokoro. Aotiteria bon te aba ae wai mai iai te katei ae retinako mangkoa ni karokoa bong aikai – ao e rangi ni kakawaki te katei iai. Bon ti te utuna ngaira n ara marawa aio, ao e mwaiti te iango ae ti te tikina n te aonnaba.
I rangi ni kukurei n ongo ngkai e kona n anga baina n ibuobuoki Aotiteria ibukin takakaro tabeua ake a boo nte wiiki aio, n aron te nete ao aia takakaro mwauku. N ai aroia I-Kiribati ae a tatangira te takakaro, Aotiteria bon te aba ae rangi ni mamate nanoia ana bota n aomata nte takakaro n aekaia nako. Ena teimatoa Aotiteria ni boutokaa te waaki n aki katinanikuaki, bwa ti aonga ni bane ni kona n iri buakon bukamaru, ni kaoti ara tarena ao man ataaki ara konabwai.
Te kibu ni koora ibukin te Kainaomata n te ririki aio bon ‘Maiuraoin te botanaomata man te babaronga raoi’. E buoka n te babaronga raoi, ao ti kamoamoaa te Tautaeka ni Kiribati n ana konabwai ao ana kakaonimaki nakon te kibu ni koora aio, n aron moani katabwenaan te Waaki ni Babaronga ni kaitarai mwakuri buaka. E kukurei Aotiteria n tia ni booa ana maroro nakoia taan rabakau nte aono ao ai bon taan rabakau man te Tautaeka ni Kiribati, iaon maroroakinan ana kanoanimi te Tautaeka ni Kiribati ibukin 20 te ririki: are karikan te aba ae aanaki nte babaronga raoi.
Ti kakatonga ni katanoatai tabeua kanoan ara reitaki inanon te tai ae maan, iaon waaki n ikarekebai ni karikirake, n aron te mwakuri nte mauri, karikirakean te reirei, ao kaubwain te aba ibukiia te nati n Kiribati.
Ara waaki n ikarekebai iaon te reirei, e bon boboto iaon karikirakean te konabwai irouia te nati ni Kiribati, eaonga n reke irouia te rabakau ibukin karekean aia mwakuri. Tina teimatoa ni boutokaa te waaki ibukin karokoan mwakuri iaon te mauri iaon Kiribati, n ikotaki ma katokan butinakon aoraki aika aki eweewe, ao ni katamaroa marurungiia te botanaomata, kain te kaawa ao ai bon ara utu.
Teuana mai ibuakon ana buoka, boni kabobongaaia te nati ni Kiribati bwa ana kona n ewekii taabo ni mwakuri i tinanikun Kiribati, ao ena kona n reke aia anga ni buokiia aia koraki , aia utu ao ni bon buoka rikiraken kaubwain Kiribati. I kukurei ni kaongoi ngkami bwa ia tia n noora uaan te mwakuri aio, ao ni kona n taekinna bwa aio uaan te reitaki ae tamaroa.
Ni moan te ririki aio, ao e tiainaaki te boraraoi ae te Tobwaan Te Rikirake Memorandum of Understanding, imarenan ana Beretitenti Kiribati, H.E. Taneti Maamau ao ana Minitita Aotiteria ibukin Bootaki ni Mwakuri n Reitaakin Aaaba ao Iokinibwai ae Senator the Hon Penny Wong. Aio bon kaotan ara kakaonimaki nakon te reitaki ni ikarekebai ni kakoroa nanon ana kainibaire te tautaeka ni Kiribati ibukin 20 te ririki, are karikirakean Kiribati bwa ena riki bwa te aba ae mamauriaki, ena rau, ao ni kakabwaiaaki. Tina kakorakora ara reitaniwaaki iaon karikirakean kaubwain te aba, n aron mwakurian tabon teuaabu are i Betio, te mwakuri ni karokoa Kiribati bwa ena tauraoi ni kaitarai bibitakin kanoani boong, ao ai boni katomaana ma te keboro are biri iaan tare man te aono ni Betebeke meang ibukin te toma ma te intanete.
Ibukin kakorakoraan te rau n ara aono, ao Aotiteria ena bon ikarekebai ma Kiribati iaon waaki n tararua i marawa ao nte naan matabaiawa, ibukin kateimatoaan karinean inaomatan te aba teuana ma teuana n Tebetebeke. Aikai waaki aika moan te kakawaki i Aotiteria ao Kiribati bwa ana ikarekebai ni mwakuria. E na bon kona n ibuobuoki ni karikirakeira bwa aaba aika itangitangiri, a nano-teuana ao man karekea te kabwaia nakon ara aono ni Betebeteke ae bwanin.
E reke te tai n rairikaaki n tarai kakawakin te reitaki n nano teuana ao ni bwanin. Ara boto n iango ake ti uataboi iaan te mauri, te kabwaia ao te tatauraoi, a riki bwa tii teuana. Ngkai i tei bwa ana Aikamitina Aotiteria nakon Kiribati, ao na kabanea au kona ni mwakuria ao ni kakorakora te reitaki aio. E ngae ngke tao iai kangaanga nako ake a tei imatara, I kona n taekina ma te koaua nakon Kiribati bwa, ena kona n onimakina Aotiteria Kiribati bwa ena bon tei irarikina bwa te rao ni koaua, inanon ara tai n iwawaaki ni wawantongaa uarokoan abara bwa aaba aika e rikirake te maiu inanon te raoi iai, ena mano n tararuaaki raoi, ao nrikirake te kabwaia iaona ntaai aikai ao aika ana roko, ibukiia ana botanaomata nako.
Reflections on Independence Day 2023 - A message from the Australian High Commissioner, Her Excellency Karen Bray
This week I was proud to join colleagues from the Australian High Commission to celebrate Kiribati’s Independence Day – my first as Australia’s new High Commissioner.
In my first weeks here, I have observed many shared values between our countries and communities. Collectively, Kiribati and Australia both value family, mateship, fairness, honesty and the chance to come together over sport! We are united in our desire to build a better future for our families, our countries and our region.
On a personal level, I feel genuinely fortunate to be here. I have been so warmly welcomed into the community and been shown patience, understanding and kindness. I look forward to introducing my family to these shores later this month. Through our genuine connections, through our willingness to learn more about one another, we will continue to grow and nurture our relationship.
It was such an honour to join the many National Day festivities this week, including the National Culture Day, Kiribati Vocal Competition, and the Beauty Contest, to experience firsthand the rich and diverse Kiribati culture and traditions. I continue to be in awe of the dancing and singing skills of the i‑Kiribati and it is a privilege to be invited to share your dancefloors at these events.
Throughout the week, as I experienced your strong sense of community, I reflected on Australia’s story. The Australia of today is a diverse and multicultural country. But Australia is home to one of the world's oldest continuing cultures – culture which is a vital part of modern Australia. We share common ground with so many of the world’s peoples, and the Pacific family, of which we are part.
I was delighted Australia could sponsor several sporting events this week, including the volleyball and para-athletics. Australians – like i-Kiribati – love sport! It was inspiring to witness all competitor’s vigour and determination. Australia will continue to support and advocate for inclusiveness so that all members of our community can engage and realise their full potential.
The theme of this year’s Independence Day celebrations is “A prosperous nation through good governance”. Australia shares this commitment to good governance and applauds the achievements of the Government of Kiribati including the release of the new anti-corruption strategy. The Australian High Commission is proud to be hosting a roundtable discussion this week with experts from the region and Government of Kiribati representatives to discuss this important 20-year vision (KV20) goal: creating a corruption-free society.
Through our longstanding and diverse development partnership, we are proud to promote inclusive education, health and economic outcomes for everyone in Kiribati.
Our partnership in education is equipping the next generation of i-Kiribati with the skills needed for the jobs of tomorrow. We will continue to support health service delivery in Kiribati, including to reduce the spread of communicable diseases to improve the health and wellbeing of our families, friends and communities.
This is in turn is helping more people to engage in domestic and international employment opportunities, which is helping families to prosper and supporting strong economic growth. I have already seen for myself the fruits of these investments and the benefits our partnership yields for the people of Kiribati.
Earlier this year, His Excellency President Maamau and the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Senator the Honourable Penny Wong signed the Tobwaan Te Reitaki Memorandum of Understanding.
This is a clear expression of our joint commitment to implementing Kiribati’s KV20 vision of a healthy, peaceful and prosperous nation. We will increase cooperation in critical economic infrastructure including on Betio Port, climate protection and adaptation and the East Micronesian Cable.
Kiribati and Australia will also strengthen our partnership on borders and policing to promote a peaceful and resilient Blue Pacific where sovereignty is respected. These are values Kiribati and Australia share, and values that will help us to build a strong, united and prosperous Blue Pacific region together.
Kiribati’s Independence Day celebrations were an opportunity to reflect on the importance of unity and community. Our peace, prosperity, and resilience are intertwined. As the Australian High Commissioner to Kiribati, I will work to further strengthen our long-standing partnership with Kiribati. Whatever challenges lie ahead, Kiribati can rely on Australia as its closest and most dependable partner, as we work together to ensure a peaceful, secure and prosperous future for all our peoples and communities.
Australia's Pacific Engagement Visa in final stages
Empowering Kiribati's young readers: 60,000 te-Kiribati Story Books Donated from Australia to Primary Schools and launch of online digital library
MEDIA RELEASE - For Immediate Release, 4 July 2023
Tarawa, Kiribati
Australia, in partnership with Ministry of Education, is thrilled to announce the distribution of 60,000 te-Kiribati story books to all Primary Schools across Kiribati. This initiative aims to enhance literacy, promote the rich cultural heritage of Kiribati, and emphasise the importance of learning to read and write in Te-Kiribati as a foundation for supporting literacy outcomes among young readers.
The 300 book collection consists of 196 books translated from English to te-Kiribati language, along with 104 original stories authored by i-Kiribati. These captivating stories cover a wide range of topics, including Health & Hygiene, Cultures & Communities, Sports, Arts & Recreation, and Science & The Environment. The books are thoughtfully curated, featuring mirror stories that reflect life in Kiribati and window stories that provide glimpses into life beyond Kiribati's shores.
Recognizing the fundamental role of i-Kiribati literacy in supporting literacy outcomes, these te-Kiribati story books are designed to foster a love for reading, while also strengthening foundational language skills. By engaging children in their native language, we provide them with a solid foundation that enhances their overall literacy development, including English proficiency in support of bilingual education goals.
Children will have the opportunity to read these books independently, allowing them to embark on literary adventures and expand their horizons. Families are encouraged to participate by reading the books together, creating joyful moments of shared storytelling. Teachers will also benefit from these resources, as the books can be utilized to teach te-Kiribati literacy, supporting the development of both languages.
To further extend access to these valuable resources, the Library for All app (available on Google Play) offers the opportunity to download the story books. This ensures that children can enjoy reading at home, even in areas with limited internet connectivity.
"We firmly believe that learning to read and write in te-Kiribati is foundational to supporting literacy outcomes," said Ms Karen Bray, Her Excellency Australian High Commissioner. "By promoting the importance of te-Kiribati literacy alongside English, we are empowering young readers and equipping them with the necessary skills to succeed in their education."
The distribution of these books would not have been possible without the support and collaboration of Australia and the Ministry of Education as part of the Kiribati-Australian Partnership, through the Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP) in partenrship with Library for All and Vodafone. Their commitment to education and community development has made a significant impact on the lives of young readers in Kiribati.
With this distribution, a total of 60,000 books have been distributed to primary schools and compliments 60,000 English books distributed in 2020, marking a significant milestone in the Government of Kiribati KV20 efforts to promote literacy and education throughout Kiribati.
ATUUNA: Kaungaan te wareware irouia te roro n rikirake i Kiribati: E Anga 60,000 Booki n wareware aika a koreaki n taetae ni Kiribati Aotiteeria nakon Moan Rinan Reirei ao ni katea ana tabo ni boki n te intanete.
KATANOATA – Ibukin katawean Kaotinakoana, 4 n Tuurai 2023
Tarawa, Kiribati
Inanon te reitaki ae tamaroa imarenan Aotiteeria ao Te Bootaki n Reirei, ao ti kukurei ni katanoata bwa ea waaki tibwatibwaan 60,000 mwaitin Booki ni Wareware aika a koreaki nte taetae ni Kiribati, nakoia Moan Rinan n Reirei nako i aoni Kiribati. E boboto te moan tetere aio i aon reiakinan te konabwai ni wareware ao ni koroboki, katanoataakin rikiara ma ara katei ni Kiribati, ao ni katereterea kakaawakin reiakinan te wareware ao te koroboki n taetae ni Kiribati ibukin boutokaan te konabwai ni koroboki ao ni wareware nakoia te roro ae e tabe n rikirake.
Te boota ni boki ae 300 mwaitina, ao iai 196 mai i buakona booki ni I-Matang aika a rairaki nakon Te-Kiribati, ni ikotaki ma 104 karaki aika a bon karioaki irouia I-Kiribati. Booki ni wareware aika a katikinano aikai, a boni bane aeka ni karaki nako iai, tabeua mai ibuakon karaki aikai bon booki ni wareware iaon te Mauri ao te Kakaitiaki, te katei ao te rongorongo iaon kaainga ao Baronga, Takaakaro, te korobanna, booki ni wareware iaon kukune ake a tia ni kataaki ao ni kakoauaaki, ao ai bon rongorongon te otabwanin. A bon bane ni barongaaki raoi karaki aikai, ao ni kabotoaki iaon kakrakinan te maiu iaon Kiribati ao tabeua karaki iaon te maiu itinanikun Kiribati.
Booki ni wareware aikai, ana boni kona ni karekea tangiran ao kakerakean te unga nnano nte wareware, ao ni karekea kinakin kakawakin te taetae ao te koroboki ni kiribati ibukin boutokaan te rabakau iaon te taetae ao te koroboki n taetae ao koroboki tabeua. Teiango bwa ena korakora aia konabwai ataei nte wareware ao te taetae, ao booki ni koroboki aikai, ana bon angan te ataei ana tai bwa ena wareware moa n oin ana taetae ae te-Kiribati. Te tai are ea kona iai ni wareware te ataei nte taetae ni Kiribati, ao ena bebete ngkanne aron te wareware n taetae tabeua inanon ana tai n reirei.
E na reke aia tai ataei ni warekii booki aikai bon irouia, ni kariniia i nanon te karaki ao n neweaba ni karaababai riki aia atatai. A kaungaaki utuu bwa a na kaai n warekii booki ma aia ataei, bwa e na karekea te kakukurei ni warekan te karaki. E na rangi ni ibuobuoki aio nakoia taan reirei, bwa booki aikai a kona ni kamanenaaki n reiakinan te konabwai ni wareware ao ni koroboki ni Kiribati, ni boutokaa karikirakean te taetae ao te koroboki ni I-Matang ao ni Kiribati.
Ibukin karaababaan aron karekean booki aikai, ao ea tauraoi ana app te Library for All (n te Google Play) n anganiko te konaa ni karuoi booki ni wareware aikai inanon te intanete. Akea te nanokokoraki bwa ataei a kona ni wareware ma te kukurei ni mweengaia, ao n taabo aika e aki roko iai korakoran te intanete.
"Ti kakoaua bwa reiakinan te wareware ao te koroboki ni Kiribati bon moan te kakawaki ibukin boutokaan karikirakean te rabakau ni kona ni wareware ao ni koroboki," e taku Ana Aikamitina Aotiteeria ae Ms Karen Bray. "Ngkai ti kaunga kakawakin te taetae ao te koronoki ni Kiribati irarikin te koroboki ao te taetae n imatang, ao ti bon kakorakoraia te roro n rikirake n anganiia rabakau rinanon te wareware, ao ana kona n tokanikai inanon aia tai n reirei."
A mwaiti kangaanga aika ti aitara ma ngaai ao ena bon kanganga aron tibwatibwaan booki aikai, n akean ana buoka Aotiteria ao te Bootaki n Reirei, iaan te reitaki ae te Kiribati-Australian Partnership, rinanon ana rabwata te bootaki n reirei ae te Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP), n reitaki ma te Library for All ao ai te Vodafone. Aia botumwaaka nakon te reirei ma karikirakeaia kaawwa nako, e a tia ni karekea uaana ae e tamaaroa nakon maiuiia te roro n rikirake i aon Kiribati.
A tia n tibwaaki n te tibwatibwa aio, 60,000 booki nakon moan rinan n reirei ao 60,000 Booki aika a koreaki ni I-Matang ike e a kanikinaaea te mwaneka ae e kakaawaki n ana Kataratara te Tautaeka ni Kiribati i nanon 20 te ririki i aon karikirakean te konabwai ni wareware ao ni koroboki ao te reirei n abani Kiribati.
If you would like further information or interviews, please contact:
Teekoa Iuta [email protected] Tel: 73055864
Teemwa Rereniti, Government Public Diplomacy Communications Officer, Australian High Commission [email protected] Tel: 72041117